brisket help

Be careful as to what answers you receive on a forum such as ours... You've alreadt received three different answers which probably confused you more than helped you...

Now the test: Which one makes the most or least sense to you ??



Internal Temp

PS : you may also receive responses of "don't wrap, use butcher paper instead of foil, or wrap based on appearance (not necessarily the same as color).
I'll combine 2 of the 3 for you. I wrap (with foil) when I get the color I want.
That being said the internal temp is usually 165-170. Hope that helps.
who cares what it looks like if its dry?
all are probably wraping at the same time, just different indicators.
As a new cook I would suggest you watch your temps .. 160 to 170. Plus you can do that with a remote thermometer.
Temp, color, and time....they all work....try them all out and see which one fits you style of cooking best. As of late I have been cooking by internal temp (165) since the color my cooker puts on brisket is pretty solid throughout the cook.
I've tried them all. You need to know your cooker 1st of all. Also depends on how much trimming you do. I trim a good amount and inject to keep that moisture. I don't need or want more than 3-4 hours of smoke regardless of internal temp, however, it seems I'm usually in the 150-160 range when I wrap. I don't really worry too much at this point what it looks like, I can fix that later. I don't want dry brisket. That's what I gear my program around and I have found a way to get good results by concentrating on that.