Roll Call. Inside 30 days. Belton, MO April 30th and May 1st

Don't listen to the weather channel. They called for 30 percent chance last saturday for only three hours. Started raining at 9 am saturday and didn't stop until sunday morning 7 am.
The forecast seems to be improving:-D Brethren, Please stop by and say Hello. Look forward to meeting some of you!
Congrats on your grand. Nice to meet you. Wish I would have got
Around to meet more brethren but weather sucked.
Great job guys!!! :clap2: Congrats on the "GRAND CHAMPION" finish!! :thumb: Must feel totally awesome! :whoo: Now lets bring that same game to the GAB later this month!
MOOCOW, congrats on the GC, taht is awesome. I wish we could have been there to see it and celebrate with you both
Thanks everyone we had a great time spite the rain friday morning. We had a great time and meeting some new people.