


I hope this works.
He has a date with destiny on this coming monday. around 1300# wont get a live # just dressed.
I've been raising these for 10 years now and this is the first one I have fed out on grain for us, the others have all been on grass. I have fed them out for other people but most want the grass fed beef.
I would imagine I have him in the prime catagory. he will hang for 19 to 21 days


With season coming on I thought I would show a past time photo
Looks like you will be eating well this winter! :-D
Nice batch of birds too!
Nice bag of green heads, good looking hunting partner too...

Edited...Just noticed a couple woodies as well....
That ther one of them long hair hippie cows?
Hope the meat is better looking than the critter. :biggrin:

The green heads bring back memories of duck hunting years ago here in south Louisiana before all the land was leased to hunting clubs.
that picture of the dog/ducks looks like it should be in a magazine...
Nice looking beef, too. Let me know when to pick my part up :)
Hey cvan, That there beef doesnt look done yet. Never ate one that rare before..
DANG! where can I get a dog that can shoot that good???
Thanks. She's a real nice dog. She likes them ducks.
Highland the original English beef oldest reg. breed
Your not going to get better beef. Thats a mature (flavour) steer he's 39 months old. The muscle is fine grained so it has a natural tenderness.
With the thicker hide and hair they don't put on a lot of back or inside waste fat but marble real nice.
They don't stress out very easy. I mentioned mature, that means flavour, naturally tender(and hung 21 days mmm),don't stress on the way to the butcher , low % of waste fat.
They are Kind of a Ron Propell type of cow set it and forget it, easy keepers.
