Roll Call. Inside 30 days. BBQ Kookoff, BENTON, KY - 4/2-4/3

The Flying Burritos hope to make it! Depends on our work schedules.

I do not know how many team are signed up yet, the guy i spoke with said he had a few spots left, but with Podge cookin' we will all be fighting for Reserve GC.
I talked with Ed today... He said he had 25 teams coming, with another 5 maybe's so far...

It looks like we are getting the old band back together. Cause me and Podge are coming to town... :twisted:
Signing up today. So yeah, we'll be there. Straight off an Arkansas butt whoopin'. We'll probably be looking for some redemption. :roll:

I was going to be there as my 2010 kickoff, but due to logistical reasons have had to postpone the kickoff:( I am gonna see about being a judge or other volunteer though.

Just a heads up, the contest is at the water plant which is between 7th and 8th street in Benton, thats the only location info i have right now. Hope to get to meet the Brethren that are cooking here. This is my first KCBS contest. So if you see a big guy with lots of tattoos walking around, thats me. My team name is Big JT's Smokin BBQ