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To Boshizzle:


To each his own I guess, but you seriously touch up the paint, shop vac out the ash dust, and clean with soap and water after every cook?

I'm not dogging you. Quite honestly, that's impressive as heck, B'shizzle!

I just can't imagine doing all that is all.

To answer the OP's question: (for me at least) I just shut down the vents and when I start up the pit next cook, I'll brush the grates real well after it's heated up. After several cooks of build-up, I'll use a drywall knife or large putty knife to scrape off the big stuff and clean it out. On my stick burner/offset, I'll pull out the ash in the FB before I fire it up, but don't worry about it after the cook. That's my routine.
Oh yeah, one thing I'm very attentive to is getting all the ash out from the firebox the next day - that's a big deal for avoiding rust.
To Boshizzle:


To each his own I guess, but you seriously touch up the paint, shop vac out the ash dust, and clean with soap and water after every cook?

I'm not dogging you. Quite honestly, that's impressive as heck, B'shizzle!

I just can't imagine doing all that is all.

I understand, bro. But, yes, I do all of that. I don't remove the carbon build up inside the cooking chamber unless I see some flaking, but I do clean my cookers just as described. I like to keep ash out of the firebox because of the tendency it has to cause rust. Now, I get the lion's share of it out with a shovel and paper towels but the left overs do get vacuumed out. It's not really as much work as it sounds like as long as you do it after each cook.

One day I may even start spraying the outside down with oil and hosing it off while it's still warm Pitmaster T style. But, what I'm doing now works pretty well.
Oh yeah, one thing I'm very attentive to is getting all the ash out from the firebox the next day - that's a big deal for avoiding rust.

I guess I should say that my offset never sees rain. I roll it in and out of the garage every time I use it and when there's rain forecasted, it cooks under and EZ-Up. I understand the corrosive potential of wet ash and am always pretty careful of that. All my cookers sleep in the garage.
I understand, bro. But, yes, I do all of that. I don't remove the carbon build up inside the cooking chamber unless I see some flaking, but I do clean my cookers just as described. I like to keep ash out of the firebox because of the tendency it has to cause rust. Now, I get the lion's share of it out with a shovel and paper towels but the left overs do get vacuumed out. It's not really as much work as it sounds like as long as you do it after each cook.

One day I may even start spraying the outside down with oil and hosing it off while it's still warm Pitmaster T style. But, what I'm doing now works pretty well.

Good on ya Bo! That's awesome. I'm sure if it's a routine thing, you've gotten good and quick about it. I noticed Pitmaster T doing that on one of his vids. I won't at all dispute that doing all that maintenance will ensure you're pits are around for a LOOOOONG time.

I know that if I had a Jambo.....I'd probably WAX that sucker weekly!:wink:
Bo, Its not that I didn't appreciate your advice. I try to learn from everyone's comments. especially since I'm very new at this. I do make sure I clean all food bits from the grates, bottom of the unit as well as anyplace else. I cleaned the ashes, too. I don't think for me, giving the smoker a fresh paint job is for me.
I welcome and learn all comments, suggestions and criticism. This seems to be a wonderful hobby and a great opportunity to spend time with family and friends.
I also keep my ECB in the garage as well.
Good on ya Bo! That's awesome. I'm sure if it's a routine thing, you've gotten good and quick about it. I noticed Pitmaster T doing that on one of his vids. I won't at all dispute that doing all that maintenance will ensure you're pits are around for a LOOOOONG time.

I know that if I had a Jambo.....I'd probably WAX that sucker weekly!:wink:

Yeah, I know. It was a pretty big investment for a hobby. But, I know guys who really do wax their pits.
Bo, Its not that I didn't appreciate your advice. I try to learn from everyone's comments. especially since I'm very new at this. I do make sure I clean all food bits from the grates, bottom of the unit as well as anyplace else. I cleaned the ashes, too. I don't think for me, giving the smoker a fresh paint job is for me.
I welcome and learn all comments, suggestions and criticism. This seems to be a wonderful hobby and a great opportunity to spend time with family and friends.
I also keep my ECB in the garage as well.

It's all good, bro. I just thought my post needed some explaination. And kudos to you for taking good care of your gear. I take the same care with my UDS as I do with my Jambo.