A Tale of Two Eggs

Wow, these BGE's are machines! We have blizzard conditions here right now and both Eggs are rockin' strong. I love cookers that don't care about what's going on outside. This is why I've got FEC's and ceramics.

Of course the purist would want to drink beer and hang by the fire all right... right?
Pastrami - The other pink meat.


I'm not too hopeful on this Waygu brisket. Feels tough. we'll see when we cut into it.
Nice slicing job on the pastrami. I have a Sam's corned flat in the fridge, just might have to that route for new years.
Nice pastrami!

I know what you mean - my UDS has been sitting at 250 since 5:30 this morning with a 19.5 lb Christmas ham and it has been raining ice all day. :biggrin: