75 pounds of brisket, Butchers injection, no idea if I should mix water, cola, or beer.

Hawg Father of Seoul

is Blowin Smoke!
Sep 14, 2010
Rogers, AR
Smoking a case of CAB flats for work tomorrow, office nerds. I just received an order of butchers injection, but do not want to fark this up.

What do I mix it with for good results??? I would love to try everything, but do not want for people to have different experiences with the meat. AND it has to be good to keep the boss handy with an open wallet. LOL

Also, just received some Blues Hog rub. Is it good for brisket?
Well, i'd go for just water or beef broth, or a mix of both. also, i mix it a little weaker than what the package suggests. I have never tried blues hog on brisket, but have mixed it with another rub for pork and it does well. i stick with a more salty peppery type of rub for brisket.
I use beef broth. Haven't specifically used Butcher but I've used my own rip-off version of FAB B Lite.

My remarks about the various injections:
Wine tends to overpower the taste of the brisket. It's not unpleasant, but it doesn't taste like brisket.
Cola tastes a bit cloying. It doesn't overpower the brisket, it just doesn't really seem to go. IT's a bit sweet for my Texas tastes.
Beer is not bad, but as I've experimented with different beers, I find myself favoring the lighter beers as they let the flavor of the brisket shine through. But when you're using MGD 64, you might as well be using water.

Beef Broth really compliments the beef, it has just enough salt to give it some body, and doesn't fundamentally alter the taste.
When i have a large brisket order I use 1/2 or so of butchers per brisket due to cost. So if you follow the package instructions to get two briskets I can get 4 from that. Most of the people will think it's the best BBQ they have had anyway.
What I have decided is best with brisket is to cover it in salt and better. And then lightly dust it with what ever flavor rub you want. I like paprika and cayenne, gives nice color and flavor
I use about half the powder called for and use the whole amount of liquid but half water and half apple juice. And a little Prime Dust.
I would not experiment on a cook for other people. If you are asking this on the Internet it's an experiment. How about smoke these with your tried and true method/recipe and save the experiment for later.

If you haven't done too many briskets just salt, pepper and Gralic some peprika and smoke them up.