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Just checked out the Super Peel. That thing is cool and a definite buy if you ever make pizzas....even if only every once in a while!
Great looking pies! I almost bought one of those peels but held back and use parchment instead. Maybe I'll pick one up. Got a link to yours?
Off the hook pizza. I haven't tried that peel either. I just use semolina flour. It acts like little ball bearings. I would like the bottom to be without it though.
Off the hook pizza. I haven't tried that peel either. I just use semolina flour. It acts like little ball bearings. I would like the bottom to be without it though.


I used Semolina for years - it doesn't have the imposing texture that cornmeal does, but it does burn and leaves a residue with stone temps above 550 or so. This was a secondary reason for my purchase, not to mention the extra cleanup of scraping the burnt semolina off the cooking stone after each use.

More than anything else, I love the fact that the pie gets on the stone in the exact same shape it was when I finished building it with no shifting of toppings.

I used Semolina for years - it doesn't have the imposing texture that cornmeal does, but it does burn and leaves a residue with stone temps above 550 or so. This was a secondary reason for my purchase, not to mention the extra cleanup of scraping the burnt semolina off the cooking stone after each use.

More than anything else, I love the fact that the pie gets on the stone in the exact same shape it was when I finished building it with no shifting of toppings.

Thanks, the semolina does char.

I take it you are wearing a welders glove or pushing the pie off with something other than your hairy or now hairless knuckles?
Thanks, the semolina does char.

I take it you are wearing a welders glove or pushing the pie off with something other than your hairy or now hairless knuckles?

Good question, especially as it relates to the Blackstone. I turn the heat all the way down on the burner(but not off) and power the platter motor off during launch. Once the pie is on, I turn both back on, with the burner knob at the same point it was before I turned it off.

I don't need to use gloves, as the handle of the large peel is long enough to keep my hand sufficiently away from the flame, especially since it's such a short operation.

Using this peel does take a bit of getting used to on the BS oven, and given the limited clearance on the inner part of the oven and the rounded back of the inside rear of the oven hood, you can't quite get the peel all the way to the back. This means getting a 15.5 inch pie onto the 16 inch stone in perfect position is a practical impossibility, therefore, I make my pies around 13 -14 inches in diameter. Still, a small compromise for a huge payoff, in my book. :thumb:

In retrospect, I wish Blackstone had engineered the oven to accommodate an 18 inch stone, which would make launching larger pies much easier no matter what kind of peel one is using, but that's probably not going to happen.
Care to share your dough recipe? like the air pockets!

I haven't made store bought dough in quite a while, as we found the "mother lode" of store bought pizza dough: Primo Taglio Traditional Pizza dough:


This is a Safeway brand, and I found it at our local Von's.
I haven't made store bought dough in quite a while, as we found the "mother lode" of store bought pizza dough: Primo Taglio Traditional Pizza dough:


This is a Safeway brand, and I found it at our local Von's.

Man, I've tried to find frozen pizza dough and haven't been successful. I've heard good things about Trader Joe's too. I am kind of enjoying making my own even though it is the exact recipe on the back of the flour package.
Dang you are making me hungry! And this thread is typical of why I love the BBQ-brethren. I'm definitely getting one of those super peels-that's what I've had the most trouble with on my pizzas, transferring them from kitchen counter to BGE, etc. Thanks for posting!