first whole hog

Get a bon fire going to keep the cooks warm. Looks like a lot of fun and good to see the B-Day Boy involved. Happy B-Day to him..:-D
I am trying to upload the pics to blogspot - can't figure out what I'm doing wrong?

Day went great and we have about 1 lb of pork left. I learned that the way I oriented the hog in the pit made it impossible to get the whole hog cooked like I would have wanted. For those of you familiar with off-sets you know how worthless the lower part of the chamber is for cooking. Because I took the main grates out most of the hog was sitting in the lower part of the chamber. It was too big to flip during the cook so we cooked what we could and had to deal with hams than never reached more than 150*

Next time - and there will be a next time - I'll stick to 80 lb or smaller hogs!

It was a lot of fun and the Horizon hummed at 230* for the entire night. I am really loving that cooker - especially as I find out what it can and cannot do!
what's the problem? I smoke 200 to 300 lb hogs all the time. A good cooker, about 140 to 150 degrees for 24 hours.
what's the problem? I smoke 200 to 300 lb hogs all the time. A good cooker, about 140 to 150 degrees for 24 hours.

The problem is that I had the meat on the bottom of the chamber and the heat basically went over the top of the back portion of the hog. That's my fault - not the cooker's - because I didn't rotate the hog (too big to lift in and out of the cooker by myself).