A Pretty Good Barbecue


Quintessential Chatty Farker
Feb 15, 2006
I don't have an official word yet, but what I heard of the results of the first Pretty Good Barbecue, here's the final...

The main event was...

1000 sandwiches served in about 45 minutes!!!!

You all may not have realized it, but if you saw people with 4-5 sandwiches and thought there were being greedy, it's very likely they were either feeding a family or taking home their next several meals. It was amazing to see the interest as this was our first barbecue of that sort ever.

I'm going to be honest and tell you all that I'm almost in tears going over the weekend in my mind. This was a huge thing to this neighborhood. Our being there brought people into the church, not that we were trying to grow our congregation, but a girl got baptized that had stopped by Saturday to ask for some help.

Now, there was also the drunk guy that passed out in the parking lot, and wasn't one of us! And the people at 2:30 am that were asking if we were passing out lunches, at 2:30 am. And the guy that was openly smoking pot that came by to find out what was going on.. If figured he had the munchies.

Instead of turning these people away, the brethren, and Pat, instead gave them hot dogs (which smokeandbeer's wife suggested he have ready) and beef ribs and something to drink. I can't tell you how proud I am of the guys that were there.

Once we got all of the meat we each needed to compete with, there was still a bunch in the fridge... everyone went in, grabbed something, seasoned it and put it on a smoker somewhere. Not only was everything cooked, but it was used to bless a neighborhood that doesn't get a lot of that. Whether you realize it or not, this was a weekend to mark down as a time that people were touched. One of the church staff told me that we poured some sunshine into a neighborhood that usually only sees storm clouds.

Now on to the competitive part of the weekend...

Here were the brisket/pulled pork results... both meats were served together, and judged as a whole. next year, this whole section will be addressed, and we're going to have the pastors as judges or CBJs, one or the other. Here were the results, though:

1. Pat Caudill, a caterer that goes to the Vineyard.
2. Harbormaster, with a close second
3. smokeandbeer, another Vineyard member
4. BBQ Bubba
5. Divemaster
6. chinesebob
7. With a DAL, ZBQ

Entries in order of winning







If you think I have any of these wrong (as in wrong person with the entry order), let me know! I do know first and DAL are correct (sorry Neil!).

When being asked about how it turned out one of our own members, and someone that doesn't compete, won, I remarked how embarrassing it was for them to lose to a caterer. Actually, Pat's stuff is very good; he'd do fine on the circuit if he wanted to do that. And in his defense, he only used lighter fluid to start a fire on which he heated sauce in a pan! :)

For the Fattie competition, a turnaround for Neil, ZBQ took the win there.

And for the ABT's, yours truly got the nod.
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Curt, thanks for putting us all together. This was a very emotional event for me, as we served a lot of people who needed a ray of sunshine in their lives. I won't go on a rant, except to say that talking about this great event with my wife today brought me to tears thinking about what the Brethren did for this community.

I feel blessed to have been a part of it, an am overwhelmed by the event itself. It was one of the greatest moments I have witnessed in my life.
hey, wait a minute! didn't divemaster turn in a box? i tasted his brisket and it was the best of the ones i sampled.
Congrats to all the brothers who helped make this project a huge sucess!

I wanted to attend as well but had another prior commitment.
1. Pat Caudill, a caterer that goes to the Vineyard.
2. Harbormaster, with a close second
3. smokeandbeer, another Vineyard member
4. BBQ Bubba
5. Spydermike
6. chinesebob
7. With a DAL, ZBQ

DAL!?!?:shock::oops: ~hanging head in shame and disbelief mod~

Oh well, the important thing is we had a good time and did some good works.:-D
Thanks for the info Curt.
I can tell you I sure didn't think I had a second place entry, but after my brisket debacle in Princeton last year, I feel redemption.

Z, thanks for the putting green info. Gonna use that when I do a contest.
DAL!?!?:shock::oops: ~hanging head in shame and disbelief mod~

Oh well, the important thing is we had a good time and did some good works.:-D

everyone won that day! consider the judge and i reckon he liked the pooled sauce :wink:
Yeah, please consider the judge on this... Next year will be different...

But also keep in mind, this was a guy that said what he liked. :) It was all in fun.

And Bubba was correct; I just had it down wrong, but the order if fixed... Divemaster still didn't come in DAL... I knew I had that one right, or I'd be shot by someone!
What a wonderfull thing you all did!!! Congratulations to you all......Brethren spirit at it's best....too cool!!!!8)8)8)
And the winner is....

Ok guys, this was the first time I ever did anything close to a cmop so I realize that I would have been disqualified for a few things. So, for me the win is kinda bitter sweet... I’m still proud though.

Enough of all of that...

The weekend was stinkin' awesome... People saved:icon_clown, drunk dudes taken home instead of to jail:icon_sick, weed smokers informed:icon_cool, and cigar smokers appeased:icon_bigsmil. It just doesn’t get any better than that!

I have to say, I was absolutely impressed with the Brethren, so much so I joined that Sunday. You all were gentlemen (even if half of you were gay):shock:. The food was amazing, the company could not have been better and this event will mark a space in time for me. I thank all of you for making the trip and knocking this one out of the park.
Just remember Matchlight that a true brother does not use lighter fluid or pine wood to smoke with :shock::-D

Just messing with you Pat, it was a pleasure meeting you this weekend and I hope to cross paths with you again soon.
The pleasure was all mine. I really hope y'all make the trek again next year...

The beauty of this is that we will see the effects of this event for months to come. You guys rocked Dayton to the core. It was simply awesome...

Something that Id like to do next year, do a build-a-barrel class and give the smoker away to some one in the neighborhood. Have a drawing or something like that. We can all chip in say 5 or 10 bucks a piece and we can invite the winner to join the comp the following year.

Hey, Curt, what do you think?
Well, I'm already working on a build-a-barrel type thing for people at the Vineyard, so, yet again, you take something I was thinking and add just enough to shame me for not going far enough with it! Great idea!

There are some other things I'm already working in my head for next year, some for the neighborhood, some for the cooks. One thing I do know... cooks will want to plan on being there by noon (Eastern time, HM)... They won't want to miss some of the stuff that will be going on.

I'm not looking for this to be a full blown competition... instead, I'm going to keep pushing for this to offer more and more opportunities for all of us to serve and to be served.

and if other guys don't show on Saturday evening next year, some castrations are going to take place... We're going to have an evening of demos, with an audience of more than 2.
For the guys that were there, can you all do me a favor?

Bob Ransom was the heavyset guy that was there overnight. Some of you may not have seen him, but he had worked from 9 am Saturday until 1:00 am, then came directly to the church, spent the night getting a couple hours of sleep, then got up and didn't leave until it was all over.

Bob did anything and everything he could to help me out. My knee was KILLING me, and he took it on himself to make kitchen runs for me, get messages to the staff, whatever was asked of him.

And he's done the same for years. He's one of those quiet people in the background that you never notice while something's going on, but once you think through the details, you realize that things wouldn't have happened right without them there.

Anyway, his email is bjransom1@woh.rr.com. If you get a moment, send him a quick email to thank him for everything he did.
hey, wait a minute! didn't divemaster turn in a box? i tasted his brisket and it was the best of the ones i sampled.

I must admit that the best compliment I received on Sunday was when Rick tried my brisket, looked me straight in the eye, and told me "Divemaster, You Suck".

everyone won that day! consider the judge and i reckon he liked the pooled sauce :wink:
I couldn't agree more.

Yeah, please consider the judge on this... Next year will be different...

But also keep in mind, this was a guy that said what he liked. :) It was all in fun.

And Bubba was correct; I just had it down wrong, but the order if fixed... Divemaster still didn't come in DAL... I knew I had that one right, or I'd be shot by someone!
As long as I didn't end up DAL, I'm happy (Sorry Neil)

I have to say, I was absolutely impressed with the Brethren, so much so I joined that Sunday. You all were gentlemen (even if half of you were gay):shock:.
Thank you Matchlight.... By the way, you seem to forget that it was you that kept playing the Village People....

The food was amazing, the company could not have been better and this event will mark a space in time for me. I thank all of you for making the trip and knocking this one out of the park.
I think we all feel the same way.
As long as I didn't end up DAL, I'm happy (Sorry Neil)

Hey, at least I can't get any worse huh?:lol:
I could be in Matchlight's shoes and have to worry about defending my title!:lol:

I had a blast with you guys and I can't wait for next year. Curt, barring any unforseen events, you can count me in.

One suggestion though Curt, if possible, can we all be in the same spot instead of split up? Space permitting obviously.

There is one other person that I would like to publicly thank.
(sent him a PM he will probably read in 2014:wink::lol:)

Our Grand Poobah, Phil.

Most of us wouldn't have probably met if it wasn't for Phil and his typos!:-D

Thanks Phil for creating this place we call home. I don't think any of us can grasp just how many lives you have indirectly touched in a wonderful way.