A Few Oysters

Tasty cook Jeannie! I’m a sucker for ‘erstas... normally a Tabasco and horseradish guy, but rocking them in a butter bath looks divine! I also dig those little stainless holders :clap2: To cool!
Thanks for posting Jeannie, those look delicious. Hard to find oysters around here. Guess I will look into getting some shipped.
Thanks Chingador... Aren't those shells handy! I envy you for living so close to fresh seafood. I bet the oysters you get there are pretty danged tasty! Thanks for the hot water info. I'll keep that in mind! :grin:

They really are. Yes we have some very good oysters down here. East agalveston Bay has some excellent reefs like Pepper Grove that are excellent. Matagorda Bay has some great ones too. There is a processor that bags and flash freezes. I love them raw, grilled and fried. I will be frying some up tomorrow in fact.

Most of the packaged oysters you see are fine. Not sure I would want to eat them raw but likely they are just fine. As long as they smell clean, cook them and enjoy to your hearts content.

When I am shucking oysters, the difficult ones go on the grill for a couple minutes cooked lightly. Open them up and top with cocktail, lemon or chimichurri sauce and you are good to go
Too late in the season?

I was taught to never eat oysters in months without a "r", but I am certainly impressed with these! Maybe this old dog just learned a new trick.
Daughter and Little buddy went to Destin a few weeks back.They stopped in Pensacola and picked me up a gallon of fresh shucked oysters,10 pounds of head off 10/15 Royal Red shrimp and 5 pounds of Sea Scallops on the way back.I grilled some like you did and they were out of this world delicious.Look Good Jeanie!:clap2:
Moving from the coast to MT and will miss fresh oysters. Never seen or heard of stainless shells! Looks like they work pretty good for already shucked oysters.

They look great Neighbor!
I like em raw but I'd hit those any day of the week Neighbor. That's what I'm talking about. :clap2:
Those look fantastic! Probably the easiest way to get someone that doesn't like oysters to try them. The best oysters I ever had were from Apalachicola, FL. I bought 3 cases in Birmingham, drove home with them in one of those giant coolers, and we feasted for 3 days.
Outstanding I love those things Wish my gout did but as often as I have them it is worth it Going to New Orleans for a Conf in Oct There is a place famous for it BBQ Oysters Will definitely try to find it