Meat tax article on

Yikes. When the economy is down, the government starts to get desperate for revenue. States experimenting with Marijuana tax...and now also hearing more about a meat tax...WTF...Will they ever consider lowering their operating expenses?
Yeah, it's about time for another "tea party" and I'm not talking about some political organization either!!!
Our forefathers went to war over a LOT less than what we're seeing now! If they come after my beef, I might have to get my gun off the wall!:wink:
Teleking-I honestly think it is a real article. The date written was on monday 3/31. Stupid article and stupid idea, but seems like enough facts and research presented anyway. UNLESS i am just stupid and don't know it. :)
The author was probably a covert, charter member of his local chapter of PETA.

BBQ'ed tofu anyone?
Well, I see it's from Bloomberg, what else would you people into better health, what a joke!

Teleking-I honestly think it is a real article. The date written was on monday 3/31. Stupid article and stupid idea, but seems like enough facts and research presented anyway. UNLESS i am just stupid and don't know it. :)

Yep my bad, thinking Monday was the first. Sorry :wink: