Best YouTube BBQ Videos - Media

Pitmaster X and Balistic barbecue offer the best shows. BBQ Bros is also very Nice.

I need to know what three video producers offer the best BBQ related videos on youtube. It could be a company, a backyard guy or gal, a comp team, whoever.

This is for an article in the next issue of Smoke Signals.


Looking over these suggestions, it seems that there is a division between entertainment and informational. Does that matter? For example, Pitmaster T's videos are at least 2/3 art, and some require translation. JMSetzler's are clear and step by step
Looking over these suggestions, it seems that there is a division between entertainment and informational. Does that matter? For example, Pitmaster T's videos are at least 2/3 art, and some require translation. JMSetzler's are clear and step by step

Nope, doesn't matter. Whatever the viewers prefer based on their own preferences is fine.

I love the BBQ with Franklin videos, so much so that I subscribed to his YouTube channel.

There's a few random videos that pop up from time to time.
Unfortunately, some aren't on Youtube.
Here's a good example, which was mentioned here on the Brethren site a while back;

Either way. I'm grateful to watch any serious video about cooking meat outdoors.