who watches the Shed? Where does he get his smokers

early mornin' smokin'

is Blowin Smoke!
Oct 6, 2008
So I was watching the shed last night. He may have a guy who welds, and a bunch of other yahoo's. But I did notice one thing, when he was building the smoker, when it got dropped off, it was in pre fabbed pieces and they welded it together. Had me thinking, i've got a guy who welds, and need another smoker, i'm intrigued. Also, anybody watch Bubba-Q? They've got some interesting stuff too, been looking to see how to get something from him, he's in philly, i'm in NY, would save a ton on shipping. Any leads are appreciated.
deguerre, up here, things are expensive!! he might be able to lower the prices SLIGHTLY if he was open 6 days a week. I'm looking to open a place in the springtime, and my prices won't be far off from his. you've gotta at least triple your cost to make things profitable. That 9 door smoker contraption he's got on the site looks pretty spiffy thou.
deguerre, up here, things are expensive!! he might be able to lower the prices SLIGHTLY if he was open 6 days a week. I'm looking to open a place in the springtime, and my prices won't be far off from his. you've gotta at least triple your cost to make things profitable. That 9 door smoker contraption he's got on the site looks pretty spiffy thou.

Yep. I sometimes forget I live in an inexpensive part of the country as far as food prices go...

I saw that smoker too and thought it was nifty.