A first for me -- Bulk rub and sauce


Babbling Farker
May 4, 2008
Well, this week is a first for me. I'm the rub and sauce point man for a
300-person charity cook (troops returned from Afcrapistan). I need to mix up
25-30 lbs of all-purpose rub (for butts, a hog, and chicken), and about 5
gallons of sauce.

We start cooking tomorrow evening and serve Saturday afternoon. It should
be interesting, to say the least. I'll shoot some pics and post them.

Wow, that's a lot of food! Good luck bro! Gotta ne better than the competitions catered BBQ stuff! Not very food IMO. Thank you for honoring our heros!
Wow, that's a lot of food! Good luck bro! Gotta ne better than the competitions catered BBQ stuff! Not very food IMO. Thank you for honoring our heros!

Thanks, but I'm just helping, and it's not really all that much food. We're
doing about 30 butts, 300 pieces of chicken, a 40-lb hog, and some sides.

There's a bunch of BBQ brothers pitching in, so it should be a pretty easy

Way to go John. Wish I were there to help out. I work on a Military base so I get to see a lot of the troops going and returning with the returns definitely being the BEST. My S.I.L. is supposed to be coming home sometime around the end of the month. Can't wait to see him and my daughter and grandson. I will definitely be cooking up a feast in his honor and all of the rest that have and/or serving. God Bless! :thumb:
P.S. I love the way you spelled AfCRAPistan. :laugh:
Way to go, both my sons are Marines and I really appreciate it when people understand what a sacrifice it is for these young people to volunteer their young lives in the defense of our great nation and to spread the American dream of freedom... Thank you for your effort!
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Way to go, both my sons are Marines and I really appreciate it when people understand what a sacrifice it is for these young people to volunteer their young lives in the defense of our great nation and to spread the American dream of freedom... Thank you for your effort!

Thanks. I have a nephew-in-law who is a Marine DI at Paris Island.
