• Best Pulled pork to date! **pr0n heavy

Looks great!!! Shoot, and I've got a dumb ol' tuna sandwich for lunch. That's gonna be rough after looking at that.
Well, I sure ain't gonna argue with ya Phrasty!!! Not with pron like that!!!

I'll give it a try next time I do a butt.
Thanks for sharing!!!!
That is some really awesome looking pulled pork. I usually cook mine in a pan, but on a rack. I think next time I'll leave out the rack! Great job!
When I die, I want to come back as your dog. I guess there's a waiting list for that.
When I die, I want to come back as your dog. I guess there's a waiting list for that.

:heh: Yeah, you gotta get behind me...

Looks awesome Phrasty! :clap2: And a good looking assistant you have there!

Thanks R2! My girl :becky: 2y/o Chocolate lab

Another treat... :thumb:

MAN that loooook so FREAKIN good!!! Awsome job sir!!! HOWEVER I cringe seeing a dog eat pork ANYTHING bones.. I almost lost my best friend over pork bones and an obstruction in her bowel.. $700 lesson that I'll NEVER give her pork bones again..Vet said pork bones were HIGH on the list of dog killers..(she said they call them gut shrapnel) 3 rd case she'd had that week..MINE was the only one that survived as the intestine "dies" very quickly and the dog will as well.