"You've got mail", BBQ


Full Fledged Farker
Jan 3, 2008
Norco, CA
Anyone ever send BBQ overseas? I was thinking of pre-packed pulled pork, frozen and on dry ice via USPS. My friends son is in Iraq and I made pp and brisket for him when he was on leave. Thought it might be a nice surprise for him, if it's doable.
I sent a package this year to an APO and it took a little over a week to get there. I am not sure of the food safety of sending it even if it is packed in dry ice. How long will the dry ice last? Will the food stay frozen for a week? Those are the questions I would answer before sending.
Probably not food safety. More like religious, Muslims don't eat pork and cannot touch it.

I'll label it beef :)
Lools like it takes about 5-10 lbs of dry ice per 24 hr period, might be too heavy to ship if takes a week to get there.
I am assuming that's due to safety concerns?

Nope...religious. It's called being respectful to the country you are in. Ask any soldier...they'll tell you they are there to win hearts and minds.

Do as you please.
Nope...religious. It's called being respectful to the country you are in. Ask any soldier...they'll tell you they are there to win hearts and minds.

Do as you please.

Was joking about labeling it beef. I think it will be impractical to send with dry ice since it takes a week to get there though.
I'm sure there are pigs in Iraq.

Nothing says they can't see them...just that some religions don't eat them.
Besides how long it would take to get there (and the weight of the dry ice required)... I'm almost certain the price would be equivalent to buying a whole hog.
I send golf balls over there for the troops every once and awhile and it is expensive and also takes a week or more. I think beef jerky would be the best bet and just as appreciated by our brave men and women.