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is one Smokin' Farker
May 7, 2010
Hamilton wa
I was debating over buying a ProQ or building a UDS and these words came from my wife " With you schedule you may not be able to get it done as soon as you want, why don`t you order the smoker you want and as you have time collect the parts you need and as you have time build that double barrel smoker you have been talking about and we can make a covered bbq area in the back yard "

I just ordered the ProQ excell 20 with an extra stacker!!!:whoo:
Hmmm.....I wonder if you'll ever get around to building the DBS?

Part of me wonders that too. I have very little time cus I commute 2 hours a day and work 9-10 hours a day and sometimes 6 days a week but My son just got a 55 gallon drum for me from his work so I am wondering if I need the dbl or just make the one into a UDS I have nothing but time to figure it out. Does anyone know the advantages of DBL over UDS?
I hate to burst your bubble, lionhrt, but she's setting you up. :p My bride allows me to feed my BBQ addiction with no questions asked; however, I am required to turn a blind eye to her addictions to purses, shoes, clothes and sports cars. In the end, she comes out way ahead on total dollars spent, and she still doesn't have to cook on the weekends. Oh no, I have created a monster! :doh:
Yes I know Tazto I know. She already spends a lot on the dogs, one just had a $900 operation on its butt and the other is diabetic, I wish I could spend what she spends on those dogs on my hobbies.
She'll say something like. Do you remember that smoker you bought? WELL!