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A little off topic, but the eye hooks as grate supports, is a great (no pun) idea, I am stealing that for my UDS build, thank you.
That looks like it would work well. I'm always looking for some wood, so anyone that needs to rid themselves of some wood, just let e know. I'm REALLY old skool. Joe
I would hate to taste that meat. I get the burps with too much smoke and end up tasting it all day, yuck.

maybe you are confusing bad/dirty smoke with clean burning wood smoke? once the chunks burn some they are just lump.
There is no such thing as OverSmoked just Dirty Smoked............

Not so sure about that.

If you used less smoking wood in that picture you should have less smoke produced just like if you had more wood then there would be more smoke produced...hence more or less smoke flavor

With all things being equal with regards to having a clean fire the size of the cooker in relation to the amount of wood used would certainly make a difference.

I do agree that most often it's a lousy fire that creates the complaint of over smoked.
Then all offsets would OverSmoke meat. And your all wood drum would Oversmoke meat. The CandyAzzs I know that say meat was over smoked found out they don't like smoked meat -period - after trying mine, friends and several restaurants - we sent one CandyAzz back to Illinois.
Then all offsets would OverSmoke meat. And your all wood drum would Oversmoke meat. The CandyAzzs I know that say meat was over smoked found out they don't like smoked meat -period - after trying mine, friends and several restaurants - we sent one CandyAzz back to Illinois.

No smitty this only applies to charcoal cookers....stick burners are a different animal. Charcoal cookers have a much lower temp fire and the charcoal is carbonized so the amount of wood added to that in a cooker that isn't designed for higher airflow does make a difference.

Like i said 90% of the time it's a bad fire though.