Can you freeze uncooked corned beef?

Thanks for the replies! I'd really hate to throw away a few briskets. But, I'd really hate even more to get sick from one of them.
They have a sell by of 05/01/15 and I purchased them end of March this year.
They are bloated and still frozen solid. This is what confuses me. Although, the package says "Contains up to 35% solution" and "Spice packet included". Could the spices contribute to the bloating?
I agree that the cured meat should keep better.
I moved one of the briskets to the fridge to thaw. I guess there's only one way to find out. I was just hoping there was a logical explanation for the bloating.
Water expands as it freezes which could be the bloating you are seeing. I have bought and frozen several cryo sealed corned beefs after St Paddies day and used them months later with no issue just like several others have mentioned.