Smoked bluefish

Looks YUMMEE! Never had bluefish.Is it light and flaky like crappie or oily like salmon or trout?
I've never eaten bluefish either, let alone smoked. Looks tasty!:icon_smile_tongue:
The smaller ones are good, yes, an oily fish, lot of brown meat on the midline. folks usually love it or hate it. it's very good smoked
Makes a great pate too - if you're among us bluefish lovers! One of my favorites to smoke, along with mackerel.
It turned out really good, they were smaller fillets, all of those combined were only 2 lbs at the market so that tells the size of them.
Love some smoked bluefish made into dip. Not the type of fish for those that don't like a strong taste. Also a blast to catch, they are some real toothy chompers.
Thanks, Boltaction. I have some recently caught Martha's Vineyard bluefish. I'm gonna do what you did.
I've had wonfish, tewfish, redfish, but never bluefish. Doctor's orders.
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Oily fish take well to smoking. Bonita (aka little tunny), kingfish, yellowfin or bluefin tuna belly, salmon. Kingfish dip is a staple in FL. Excellent mixed with jalapeno’s eaten on saltines!
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I love to fish for them here. Fast and furious action, and lots of fun. :-D

As for eating Jersey bluefish, I'll pass. They're an oily mercury souffle, and toxic heavy metals aren't my idea of a good meal. :cry:
I love to fish for them here. Fast and furious action, and lots of fun. :-D

As for eating Jersey bluefish, I'll pass. They're an oily mercury souffle, and toxic heavy metals aren't my idea of a good meal. :cry:

Keep the small ones for smoking, and grilling, much less pcb's. ;)