Whole hog purchase



I met up with an old buddy of mine from mu hometown (Port Acres/Port Arthur). He has a farm SE of Austin. ANyway he raises hogs there and has offer to see me one. He sells them when they reach about 275# for $200.

He only quaters them for that price. I would need to break them down further myself or take them to a processor to cut and wrap for me.

I do not know if I could make room for more than a quarter or half myself. Anyone else want a stake?
While at the SOuthside MArket in Elgin, I asked the butcher what they would charge to cut and wrap the hog for me and they told me 50 cent s a pound if it was skinned. Is that a good deal? Seemes pretty fair to me, not have to spend all night carving the thing up, drenched in blood and sweat.
If you haven't tried it, I suggest you have a whirl at it. If that thing is 275 live, it should weigh about 175 dressed (if I remember right). That's close to another hundred bucks for that $300 dollar pig. Also, it looks like you are gonna have to skin that puppy anyway. Might as well keep going and have some fun learning how to cut up a big. It's also a good excuse to go and get yourself a bonesaw.
parrothead said:
If you haven't tried it, I suggest you have a whirl at it. If that thing is 275 live, it should weigh about 175 dressed (if I remember right). That's close to another hundred bucks for that $300 dollar pig. Also, it looks like you are gonna have to skin that puppy anyway. Might as well keep going and have some fun learning how to cut up a big. It's also a good excuse to go and get yourself a bonesaw.

Very good points. Never skinned a pig, but I'm guessing it isn't too much different than a deer. Academy sells a game processing kit for around $20 that has a decent bonesaw. Or if you think it might become a regular deal check out Northertool.com. They used to have a bandsaw with built in grinder for around $200.

PS When using the truck to skin game, make sure the driver isn't too inebriated. After I stopped laughing, I was a little ticked after my 140 lb. buck (good size by Tx. standards) was pulled down and dragged 20 yrds. in the dirt. Driver popped the clutch and away they went.

PPS No I wasn't driving.
Deer-dragging is a little known redneck tenderizing trick.
While we are on it, you will need a good block and tackle, and a single tree to hoist that pig for skinning. I found some antique single trees at a garage sale last year made out of hickory. They still work great. I used one to skin a couple of pigs last year.

Instead of buying a bone saw, just use a hacksaw. Buy a bandsaw blade that is meant for cuttting bones and meat. Cut the whole damned thing up into the proper lengths and drill some holes in them and there ya go.
You're gonna need a big-a$$ freezer to chill down that carcass really fast too.

Are we gonna make sausage and cure bacon too?
You can't pull the skin off of a pig. It has to be cut off. Every inch of it. You hang it by it's back feet and start at the top pulling down on the skin that you have cut away while making cuts through the fat that is between the skin and the meat. Stay as close to the skin as possible. Don't worry about accidentally cutting through the skin, you are gonna need those holes to get a better grip on the skin. The whole thing should come off in one piece. You need the thing at about chest heigth wherever you are cutting, that is why you need the chain fall. You have to keep raising the pig as you go.

Damn! Now I wanna go butcher me up a pig.
parrothead said:
Oh yeah I forgot about cooling that thing. We had a walk in cooler on the farm.

We used to butcher hawgs in the winter in Kentucky.

Mother Nature Freezer Mod.

Boiling and scraping was fun. Frying up tenderloin pieces on the pot belly stove
was fun too.

Boiling and scraping was fun. Frying up tenderloin pieces on the pot belly stove
was fun too.
We had a giant cast iron kettle that we would build a fire under for boiling. I just inherited it last year.

Did you make home made footballs with the skin?
Pork rind mod. I tried it once without success. The pork rinds that is.
Sounds like you are up to about $8-$9 bucks a lb after you buy all the stuff you need to get this one time Hog deal done......sounds like my basket adventure!

Let's see, should I do my own thing or just go to Wal-Mart and pay $3.50 lb for BBR or do it myself for $8-9 lb?????????.
BigAl said:
Sounds like you are up to about $8-$9 bucks a lb after you buy all the stuff you need to get this one time Hog deal done......sounds like my basket adventure!

Let's see, should I do my own thing or just go to Wal-Mart and pay $3.50 lb for BBR or do it myself for $8-9 lb?????????.

Let's see half a hog $100

Processing at the butcher (.50 x 100) = $50

Hog-skinning (if not included) = priceless


Total $150 for 85-90# of meat and a potentially priceless skinning adventure.
Following this closely--good thought to maybe save $.
However, I am not sure I have a grip on the numbers.
Pig starts at 275# for $200.
Add in 50 cents/lb for butcher (I assume he charges for un-processed weight, not dressed). I am sure weight would come down with skin/head/etc removed, but not sure how much.
If that thing is 275 live, it should weigh about 175 dressed (if I remember right).
So, considering no other expenses, we are at about $1.75-$2/lb for the final cuts of meat. I know that it would probably be even higher if ya had to buy "support equipment" and other toys.
Most of the pork I buy is well under $2/lb except for some special bacon that I love. There would be some other "high value" cuts in there also.
This does sound like what Phil needs to do for his next Memorial Day Cook :D
My gut reaction is similar to that of my "Brewing". I love my own brewskies, but have not seen the ecomomy in growing my own wheat, barley, and hops. Or even processing them myself.
What am I missing (other than a giant freezer full of pork)?
Inquiring minds want to know! :D