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and here another one..

Oldjinks's Home made pickled white pearl onions.

Get a Hermeticly Sealed ~ 1 Gallon jar like this at the Container store or wherever..


and a few bags of frozen White pearl onions in the supermarket – and let them thaw out.

For the basic brine mix for the pickled onions heat (do not boil though...):

~ 1/2 gallon of white wine vinegar and just as much water
1 tablespoon mustard seeds
salt to taste
~ 1/2 lbs of sugar

Determine the acidity of the fluid: you do this just by tasting.
It Is too acidic, add some water in, it is not acid enough, add some vinegar.

Now the sweet/sour ratio. Beginning with two tablespoons of sugar, stir until sugar is dissolved. Would you like it sweeter, add more sugar while stirring.

Now also add the salt and mustard seeds.

Then dump then the onions in the brine and turn the heat up until you see light bubbles for ~ 1 to 2 minutes.

Spoon the onions into the glass jar and then pour the cooking liquid when it's coled off a bit on top until all is well covered.

Close the jar and place the onions 3 – 4 weeks in the pantry or cellar to get up to taste.
I prefer my pickle in my pants :-D

But, when it comes to eating pickles, I enjoy just about all styles and veggies. But, my all time favorite are Kosher dill pickles that are "new", meaning barely pickled.

BTW, I hear that our fearless Poobah absolutely loves anything pickled! He loves them so much that a bunch of us sent him pickled things as a gift a while back.

This is a bit of Brethren history for the newer members :becky:
I was just at Kroger and saw these so I snagged a jar to go with kippers and cream cheese on Ritz. Haven't opened them yet, I've been good. I've been known to go through a jar of bread and butter pickles in one far as that goes, so has Redhot the last time I ordered Double D's..

Gettem good & cold.
Here's some I make. they go good in a Bloody Mary

Horseradish Pickles

1 Gallon dill pickle spears

2 Cups Horseradish

6 Cups Sugar

1 2/3 cups Water

3 1/3 Cups Vinegar

Drain all juice from pickles and add horseradish. Set aside. Bring to boil sugar, water and vinegar, stirring often. Let cool COMPLETELY. Pour over pickles and horseradish.
Refrigerate. Ready in 3 days
Here's some I make. they go good in a Bloody Mary

Horseradish Pickles

1 Gallon dill pickle spears

2 Cups Horseradish

6 Cups Sugar

1 2/3 cups Water

3 1/3 Cups Vinegar

Drain all juice from pickles and add horseradish. Set aside. Bring to boil sugar, water and vinegar, stirring often. Let cool COMPLETELY. Pour over pickles and horseradish.
Refrigerate. Ready in 3 days

Is that prepared horseradish or grated fresh horseradish?
Is that prepared horseradish or grated fresh horseradish?

Edit: I use the grated in a jar, which I term grated fresh as opposed to starting with a root. Prepared to me is the creamy style. So yes this recipe uses the grated type.
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Edit: I use the grated in a jar, which I term grated fresh as opposed to starting with a root. Prepared to me is the creamy style. So yes this recipe uses the grated type.

It's semantics, but it would make a difference in the end result :-D Grated fresh would be if you took the root and grated it. Prepared horseradish is grated horseradish mixed with vinegar. The stuff in a creamy sauce is either creamy horseradish or horseradish sauce.

From Wikipedia

Cooks use the terms "horseradish" or "prepared horseradish" to refer to the grated root of the horseradish plant mixed with vinegar. Prepared horseradish is white to creamy-beige in colour.
I'm real fond of the Wickles others have already mentioned.

Frog Ranch Peppered Pickles are really good too. Both the Hot & Spicy and Bread & Butter. I like the Bread & Butter"s better than Famous Dave's.

Another pickle worth mentioning is Kroger's Candied Dill's.

All the above can be found at Krogers. (at least in my area)