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Mike in Corpus

Knows what WELOCME spells.
Feb 9, 2011
Corpus Christi, Texas
should the head cook who started/built team decide if someone should be kicked off team, or should there be a vote taken? As head cook I feel that if I make decision, no one will have to explain which way they voted. I feel like as far as everything else, what contest we will enter,what we need to buy, who will cook what etc. is up for a vote. But, someone who considers sponsors money is to feed his family reunion, at every event and doesn't contribute has to go.
I have a great team but, as the head cook, I decide who is on it. It's my team and I make the executive decisions. While some activities may be voted on, that part (who is on the team) is not subject to Democracy.

It's the golden rule: He who pays the gold rules.
If you have to ask then you need to start a new "team"...

I agree. Design/Decision by committee never works long term, sure it works for the short term because there is usually a general idea and people are easy going but eventually someone will feel their opinion isn't being valued/listened to and downhill it goes. There needs to be a final decision point, for conflict resolution, for unified direction, etc..

you should always listen to your team members and not be an ahole but the signature on the check rules
I think you should always listen to your team members, and take input and suggestions, but at the end of the day, on my team, the final decision on anything is mine.
If you fund it, then it is your decision. You said there is sponsor money so of that came about because of everyone then more of a discussion may need to take place. But if the guy isn't acting in the teams best interest for the future then it should be an easy decision.
Each member pays towards the contest. We currently have 4 members. WE go by who has been practicing the most on which cut of meat. Currently I am working on Brisket for comps, if I like a new recipe or try something different I let everyone know and they can practice too. When I make pork I tell the pork guy to try what I did and if he does he does if not its their call. My father and I started the team and have since got other people to be on the team. Its not easy but we make it work, If by any chance we win $ its either divided up or put towards the next contest.
The only say they don't have is the team name. If it was up to everyone we would be called the
Smokin' IrishPuertoRicanJewsihItalian (didn't flow) hahaha
Well if it's your equipment and money, then it's obviously your team which is something they all need to understand. From there you make the final call. Either way if this guy isn't contributing to the team, he can hardly be considered a team member and apparently is just there to hang out. Somehow he thinks it's ok to invite all his family w/out chipping in. Not cool.
I will listen to the input, but ultimately its my call... now that being said there have been times where i was wrong, but usually we are on the same line of thinking.
Each member pays towards the contest. We currently have 4 members. WE go by who has been practicing the most on which cut of meat. Currently I am working on Brisket for comps, if I like a new recipe or try something different I let everyone know and they can practice too. When I make pork I tell the pork guy to try what I did and if he does he does if not its their call. My father and I started the team and have since got other people to be on the team. Its not easy but we make it work, If by any chance we win $ its either divided up or put towards the next contest.
The only say they don't have is the team name. If it was up to everyone we would be called the
Smokin' IrishPuertoRicanJewsihItalian (didn't flow) hahaha

Our team has a similar setup (except for the father part) and it's worked so far. Any issues we have, like behavior at a certain comp for example, is talked about openly until it's resolved. Brutal honesty if you will. Same goes for trending meat scores and what we can do to improve them if they start falling. At the end of the day our Captain makes the final call and we've come to understand that I think :wink:
It doesn't matter who started the team. It doesn't matter who puts his name down as "head cook" on applications. It doesn't matter who stays up all night feeding logs into the fire, nor who cuts the meat. It comes down to what you, as a team, think is right.

Does any one else on the team have any assets? Are you willing to lose them and the assets if you make decisions without them?

Does any one else on the team contribute money to pay for things besides personal food and drink? Are you willing to lose them and that money if you make decisions without them?

Does any one on the team help with the work in any way? Are you willing to lose that help if you make decisions without them?

At the end of the day, very few teams are legal entities and membership on them can be incredibly fluid. If your teamates chip in and want a say, then they should have it. If you don't want to give it to them, kick them all out and fight over who gets to use the name. It really only matters in KCBS for TOTY and competing on the same day or at the same comp.

We had people get a little power hungry, so we took away dictatorship.

Our team elects a Pres, VP, Treasurer, and Sec every year...They handle all the regular contests throughout the year. We vote as a team on big things but the officers pretty much handle the decisions

We also have a "Founders Council" that is comprised of the 4 people that started the team, plus the current president. This council runs Memphis in May since it is so expensive and involved.

This has worked for 8 years.

We have suspended members, booted members, and put members on probation. All by majority rule.

Of course our team is bigger than most...
We had people get a little power hungry, so we took away dictatorship.

We have that same problem on our team, but since I'm in charge they really can't do anything about it! :biggrin1:

That's just one of the privileges that comes with being the team's sole sponsor.

A quick related real-life story: A friend of my brother's and mine was going to hang with us a competition last year and lend a hand. He may have been a little hesitant and asked my brother ahead of time "What will I have to do?" My brother's response? "All you have to do is remember to not do anything until Tim tells you to, and then do it the way he tells you." He's since been with us for a few comps, and it has become a running joke, with me constantly asking him "Did I TELL YOU to do that?"

Our team elects a Pres, VP, Treasurer, and Sec every year...They handle all the regular contests throughout the year. We vote as a team on big things but the officers pretty much handle the decisions

I'm happy for you that it works for you. For me personally, if it ever got to a point that was needed, I would be done because that would be polarly opposite to the reason that I do this, which is really spending quality time with my son and family.

should the head cook who started/built team decide if someone should be kicked off team, or should there be a vote taken? As head cook I feel that if I make decision, no one will have to explain which way they voted. I feel like as far as everything else, what contest we will enter,what we need to buy, who will cook what etc. is up for a vote. But, someone who considers sponsors money is to feed his family reunion, at every event and doesn't contribute has to go.

Every circumstance is different, and you provide far too few details of the situation for me to offer any suggestion to your circumstances.

There are lots of individual circumstances and opinions above already. At the end of the day though, it will be up to you to decide. Just make sure that whatever your decision is, when you look back at it that you will have no regrets about it.

Good luck.
should the head cook who started/built team decide if someone should be kicked off team, or should there be a vote taken? As head cook I feel that if I make decision, no one will have to explain which way they voted. I feel like as far as everything else, what contest we will enter,what we need to buy, who will cook what etc. is up for a vote. But, someone who considers sponsors money is to feed his family reunion, at every event and doesn't contribute has to go.

If you alone built it, then you alone can tear it down.
The man with the money makes the decisions. Or the man who puts in the most money makes the final decision. I provide all the money on my 'team'.. but the wife makes the decisions :)
I was going to say more or less the same thing :becky:
Here's the way I look at it; if you were asked to join a team then it's not your team. You may call it "my team" in conversation, but it's not really your team. I was invited to join "my team" but if the man who invited me decided to un-invite me, that would be his decision, regardless of what I contribute.