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is One Chatty Farker
Aug 15, 2010
Pleasanton, CA
My co-workers love to celebrate birthdays with potlucks and I've been providing them with wings, MOINKs, ABTs, fatties, smoked meatloaf, ribs, pulled pork, and brisket. I try to keep a rotation going so I'm not bringing the same stuff all of the time (despite their addiction to MOINKs) so when I saw some recent posts on these "Pig Shots" and "Pork Shots" posted places including here and here I decided to try a batch.

In the early morning hours today I assembled 58 of these bacon wrapped around kielbasa discs (little "shot" glasses), piped in some cream cheese and topped with a brown sugar/rub combo:


I overslept a bit this morning and needed to make up a little time so this morning's cook was going to be in the OTP with a lid temp at just about 300 (usually a little cooler at the grate). Actually, I cook my MOINKs at a similar temp as well so I figured these could be done in probably under 90 mins.

After about 75-80 minutes of indirect cooking they were ready to go to work with me (well 55 of them went to work, 3 were part of a Quality Assurance testing at home):


They were pretty tasty and were well received at the office! These were a little on the sweet side so I'll be doing some testing with some hotter rubs, a little less brown sugar, and maybe some of the popular ABT fillings in the future.

Thanks for looking and thanks to those who've posted these "shots" before!
Those look fantastic.

Can I ask how long it took to assemble 58 of them? Seems like the longest part of the cook.

Yeah Ryan, prep was longer than the cook. I spent a little over 2 hrs on the prep. Removing the casing from the kielbasa quickly got old. Someone with more nimble fingers could probably get it done faster.
Whoa!!!!! Those look fantastic!!! Wish I had seen this post before I made two dozen abt's this morning...I would have tried my hand at these :-(

Thank you very much for sharing.