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Dec 11, 2007
El Paso, TX
Name or Nickame
We'll be eating pulled beef all week. I had a good bit leftover.

Breakfast--machaca burrito with Hatch,NM. green chile salsa.

Dinner--Flautas with really cheesy beans and guac.
Me too....send any leftovers my way. Looks awesome Bob!
There are few things in this world better than a good machaca burrito. I want some of that there beef you got. I'm going to have to get me some chuckies this week.
My guac is pretty standard, chopped onion, garlic, jap, cilantro, tomato, s&p and juice from half a lime. The final ingredient is cottage cheese. Sounds odd, but it's great. I usually go with 3-4 avocados to one pint cottage cheese depending on size of avocados. The avocado I bought yesterday was the size of a grapefruit, almost, so it was half a pint of cottage cheese. This batch only had the cottage cheese and s&P. I was too hungry and lazy to chopp all the other stuff.

Dinner will be pulled beef quesadillas with chopped onion, japs, and lots of gooey melted cheese!!
Dang Bob, I was in El Paso the wrong week. I could always help a Brother in need (lol).

Does Chico's sell the sauce for the tacos? Shoulda got a gallon to go. Wonder if I could have taken it on the plane.

Good lookin eats by the way.
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