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If you have a large catering or vending event that ends up scheduled the same day as a large BBQ competition, do you choose to pass up on the money making venture to attend the BBQ comp, or the other way around, and why? And what if it is an event that you have been a regular attendee/competitor/vendor?

We are faced with this choice on many weekends. :sad:
Is there a way you can put a crew at the vending event? It would have to be some one you could trust in a big way! If not then you might thank about rotating the days vending event with the BBQ Comp as they come.
Level of importance

1. Catering - Paid before it happens
2. Vending - Very good chance of getting paid
3. Contest - Hope to get paid but will have a lot of fun.
Is there a way you can put a crew at the vending event? It would have to be some one you could trust in a big way! If not then you might thank about rotating the days vending event with the BBQ Comp as they come.

We considered having two crews at one point, but the logistics would have been a P.I.T.A. for us at this point. We decided to do one event really well, instead of stretching ourselves too thin on two events and not doing a good job or putting out a good product. Maybe someday we will grow enough to do more than one thing at a time!
Level of importance

1. Catering - Paid before it happens
2. Vending - Very good chance of getting paid
3. Contest - Hope to get paid but will have a lot of fun.

Yep, that is my way of thinking too. We want to do more BBQ comps, but have ended up only being able to attend a couple each year any more. I guess it is a good thing that our calendar gets filled with the money making ventures. We now have several vending events that ask us to come back each year. Then on the other hand we miss the fun of doing the comps and visiting with all the other BBQ teams. :(
Marsha --we are in the same boat. That is why I am never seen at competitions. Competitions are never close to us---so more travel expense is also a problem. The other problem is keeping a crew and equipment at our restaurant. Many Saturdays we are split in 3 different directions. BBQ is our business, and I think that Bigmista hit the priority list correctly. If we suddenly get rich then I may change priopity.

The best way to make a small fortune in the BBQ business is to start out with a large fortune.

Behind every man that barbeques is a woman with a real job.
Marsha --we are in the same boat. That is why I am never seen at competitions. Competitions are never close to us---so more travel expense is also a problem. The other problem is keeping a crew and equipment at our restaurant. Many Saturdays we are split in 3 different directions. BBQ is our business, and I think that Bigmista hit the priority list correctly. If we suddenly get rich then I may change priopity.

The best way to make a small fortune in the BBQ business is to start out with a large fortune.

Behind every man that barbeques is a woman with a real job.

Ahahaha, I am a perfect example of that statement. I work in IT for Uncle Sam during the week. Someone has to have insurance, retirement, etc., for when we are old and can't bbq any longer!
We sometimes run 3 or even 4 separate crews on a single weekend depending on the demands of restaurant/catering/vending and competition. Johnny loves to compete, but paying jobs come first. Occasionally he will leave a contest early or show up late because his attention is required elsewhere. Since we have three capable cooks on our team it doesn't hurt us with the judges, though it is a drag not to have all of us together at social time.

Vending is always the bottom priority since it's such a profitability dice roll.
I think I would have to agree with Big Mista's list as well. Although I may pass up a vending gig to go to a good comp. If I had a good paying catering job the same day as a comp I would have to pass on the comp. Money talks...

It's business before pleasure with me. I enjoy doing comps but, I love seeing money in the bank account even more:biggrin:
Yep, have to agree on liking to see the green stuff!

We sometimes run 3 or even 4 separate crews on a single weekend depending on the demands of restaurant/catering/vending and competition. Johnny loves to compete, but paying jobs come first. Occasionally he will leave a contest early or show up late because his attention is required elsewhere. Since we have three capable cooks on our team it doesn't hurt us with the judges, though it is a drag not to have all of us together at social time.

Vending is always the bottom priority since it's such a profitability dice roll.
We aren't at the point yet where we have enough people for more than one crew. We are close to having two, but still need some training for some folks.

I think I would have to agree with Big Mista's list as well. Although I may pass up a vending gig to go to a good comp. If I had a good paying catering job the same day as a comp I would have to pass on the comp. Money talks...
Money talks real loud in my house. ;)
My opinion, having been their and done that, I chose the catering gig this has the potential of giving you more future business and gets your name out their. Like a friend of mine told me, Contests come and go, but a good solid customer base and future customers as a result mean unlimited profit potential in the present and future!