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somebody shut me the fark up.
Jan 26, 2010
So, my boss told me the other day that he was going to have a pig roast for the company. I was like, "Awesome! I'll be there!" Then he said that he wanted me to cook a 100 pound hog. I told him I didn't have a smoker big enough. He said, "No problem" and led me to his office where he had a brand new La Caja China. He told me that it was all mine all I had to do was use it to cook the hog for the company get together. I said "I'm on it!" :becky:


I thanked him and promised to do the cook. I didn't go into how it is a big charcoal powered crock pot and not a true BBQ smoker or any of that. I try to never look a gift horse in the mouth especially when it's my boss. :laugh:

So, my problem now is how to get some smoke on the meat when using it. La Caja China has a smoke pistol accessory but it requires special cartridges that I'm not thrilled about having to buy. So, I thought maybe a Smoke Daddy Big Kahuna might be the ticket.

Any ideas on how to get some smoke on the meat other than the Smoke Daddy using this cooker?
doesnt need smokem that cooker produces the best fpi ever, once they eat the cracklin skin, nobody will be looking for smoke. follow the directions on the caja site for injection
doesnt need smokem that cooker produces the best fpi ever, once they eat the cracklin skin, nobody will be looking for smoke. follow the directions on the caja site for injection

We had a company event this past December in Miami where a Cuban style whole hog was served. The hog was cooked in a La Caja China and I was telling him about it and the Mojo injection that they used. Everyone enjoyed the meal and I think that was his inspiration for the upcoming event.

But, me being a "Southern boy" I just can't get over smokey, tender pork and would rather use my own recipe for the cook.
We had a company event this past December in Miami where a Cuban style whole hog was served. The hog was cooked in a La Caja China and I was telling him about it and the Mojo injection that they used. Everyone enjoyed the meal and I think that was his inspiration for the upcoming event.

But, me being a "Southern boy" I just can't get over smokey, tender pork and would rather use my own recipe for the cook.

Sounds like the boss is expecting Cuban style, maybe you should stick to it. You're still gonna have a blast and some great food.
I really, really wanna get one of these and they're really not very expensive, but they seem too specialized. I can't see myself roasting a whole hog more than twice a year.

Still, that's an amazing score you got there!
The La Caja China is a smoker turned upside down. There is no way to get smoke in it because the heat source is on top:

This would not be correct. I have a smoke pistol adapted to mine and it does a great job of giving you the smoke you need.

As a matter of fact you can also buy the smoke pistol and wood cartridges on the La Caja China website.
I have had a Caja China for many years and have done in excess of 30 whole hogs in it and everyone came out perfect like clockwork. Used to do them on block pits but this was so much easier and less time. Flavor is outstanding even though charcoal is on outside of box. You definitely can get smoke inside with many products out there but it really is not needed. I bought mine for $200.00 and it was worth every penny. I have the #2 and it goes for $350.00 right now but many people copy the design and build their own. Good Luck!
I have had a Caja China for many years and have done in excess of 30 whole hogs in it and everyone came out perfect like clockwork. Used to do them on block pits but this was so much easier and less time. Flavor is outstanding even though charcoal is on outside of box. You definitely can get smoke inside with many products out there but it really is not needed. I bought mine for $200.00 and it was worth every penny. I have the #2 and it goes for $350.00 right now but many people copy the design and build their own. Good Luck!

The one I have is a #2 also. About how long does it take too cook a 100 pound hog?
The one I have is a #2 also. About how long does it take too cook a 100 pound hog?

We usually do about a 70lb hog and it takes anywhere from 4-5 hours depending on how crisp we want the skin at the end of the cook. Usually start checking the skin at the 3 1/2 to 4 hour mark and then check every 10 minutes or so until its the way we want it. Should take close to the same amount of time for a 100lb. in my experience.