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Quintessential Chatty Farker
Dec 15, 2007
Anyone ever done one?

Just got home from work and dropped into the butchers and picked up one he was cutting. I was looking for some thick chops for a quick dinner and couldn't resist so I had him add a bit of fat so she stayed moist. The fire is lit so let the seasoning begin...:twisted:

It's cut a little different over here..
From the description you gave, i would say med. rare.
Not enough fat to cook any higher....good luck and post pic's!!

BTW, tell your butcher's over there to STOP rolling their brisket's into roast's!!:eek:
lol He's ordering a brisket and placing beef ribs on stand-by for us to pick up Thursday. He did mention it would be rolled and I just had a blank stare on my face. How should I tell him to cut it? Is rolled a bad thing?
lol He's ordering a brisket and placing beef ribs on stand-by for us to pick up Thursday. He did mention it would be rolled and I just had a blank stare on my face. How should I tell him to cut it? Is rolled a bad thing?

it's worth a shot cooking it rolled, or cut the string's but it look's like they remove most of the fat (bad) and what do they do with the point? :confused:
I'll ask out about the 'point'. We also talked about tri-tips and he is still at a loss and thats when he told me the cuts were differant than you Yanks do it ( we get along like the side of the family you actually love) hence me searching for the link i posted. I let him know that I would come back to the forum and have a look about for a diagram of the right way to butcher like a pro and not like the Limey hack he is. lol.

Last but not least I told him all about Wyatt and I think Glyn wants to adopt him.

I also mentioned I like my meat a with more fat and he made a crude joke about his mother-n-law. Man I like this guy. LMAO!!
Just a bit of Pron..







She is now resting and waiting to be sliced.
I'm afraid to tell you till after I slice into it. ROFL!!
I went just a tad higher than you recomemded though.

Wel, us YANKS may have different cuts, but I guess it doesn't matter about the cut if it turns out as good as yours looks! Hoping to see a pic of that critter sliced.......
Looks great - but the proof of the pudding is in the tasting - how was it???

Also - on the website - what's up with all the salting???



I am very happy with the result. I took it to just over internal then kicked the drum up to 300 plus to finish it off. Bubba is this the medium rare you requested? :)
My official taster is in bed because he has school in the morning( it's midnight here) but the second in charge ( wife) informed me... that she is very pleased.

* edited so we don't go straight to the woodpile*
Great looking food.

BTW there's a picture of a rolled brisket somewhere on the forum. Probably from Ian Mack or someone else.