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I have been wanting to make these ver since I saw them and was hoping for some guidance.

I can't decide whether I want to go with a good corn muffin on the bottom or baked beans. When I make corn muffins they are normally really souffle like and not firm like some I've had. On the sweeter side of corn muffins too. I don't put sugar in my cornbread but when I think corn muffins I think sweet, and I also usually think shredded cheese too which I might add if I go that route.

Also having trouble deciding whether to go with potato salad or mashed potatoes in there, or whether I need to put them in at all and just go bread/beans, coleslaw, and meat. Thought about doing a whole kernel sweet corn layer, but kinda ditched that since it would be messy. Everything that normally comes in a BBQ sundae kinda stick together and corn kernels would fall off a utensil pretty easily.

Thanks for any tips guys, and pictures of ho you've done it would be great too. These seem like a great thing for having a bunch of people over. Don't have to worry about much cleanup and everyone can walk around and mingle real easy without needing somewhere to sit a plate. At my house there really isn't that many spaces to sit a plate so it seems like this is a pretty damn good thing for any party I might have. Gonna be smoking two big Boston butts BTW. Should be good if I don't screw them up.

Also, you guys normally go with a sweet sauce on the Q?
We've served these before vending.

We usually go with (from the bottom if I remember) beans, PP, slaw, brisket, drizzled with sauce.

We called them "BBQ Parfaits".
I make em in solo plastic cups with a Hawaiian roll at the bottom, then Pulled Pork, beans, more pulled pork, coleslaw, still more pulled pork, then a squeeze of BBQ sauce to top. Bam! "Dinner in a cup".
I like the idea of the Hawaiian roll. Sure would be a lot easier than baking off a bunch of corn muffins.
I like the idea of the Hawaiian roll. Sure would be a lot easier than baking off a bunch of corn muffins.

That's exactly why I switched. Used to make homemade rolls but buying a bag or two of Hawaiian is a lot easier. Maybe not more economical if you are vending, but for the occasional party they work great.

I really like the sweetness of them too. Balances out the spiciness from the BBQ sauce and the tang of the coleslaw. And few things compare to a baked bean soaked Hawaiian roll.
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Found this through google images

No slaw in that one there. I think I am just gonna have a big spread and serve people whatever they want in it. Or maybe let them make their own, but that might lead to people not doing the sundae thing and putting it on a plate.... AND I DON'T WANT THAT! You eat it as a sundae or you don't eat it at all. :laugh: