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Knows what a fatty is.
Jun 18, 2010
Cumming ga
WellI figured I would get into dry aging, so I picked up a full ribeye. I took it out of the package patted it dry with some paper towels put it on a baking cool down rack and placed that in a cook sheet. Just to make for easy clean up and still let air to the bottom portion. I have a few questions if anyone help me out. Also, I do have a dedicated fridge that holds a constant 30-34 degress.

1.. Should I dry age with the fat side up or down? I could see how both ways would be effective. Either the moisture would evaporate and rise through the meat or it would drip out the bottom.
2.Should I put paper towels over the meat? I have heard mixed reviews about this. Most say do, but a few make the arguement that expensive steak houses don't so why should I?
3.Should I add a bowl of water for humidity?
I copied this from another site. Sounds like you are on the right track.

Be sure to follow each step carefully, for safety's sake.

1. Only the top grades of beef can be dry aged successfully. Use USDA Prime or USDA Choice - Yield Grade 1 or 2 (the highest quality of Choice) only. These have a thick layer of fat on the outside to protect the meat from spoiling during the aging process.
2. Buy a whole rib-eye or loin strip. [You cannot age individual steaks.] Unwrap it, rinse it well with cold water, and allow it to drain; then pat it very dry with paper towels.
3. Wrap the meat in immaculately clean, large, plain white cotton dish towels and place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator - which is the coldest spot.
4. Change the towels each day, replacing the moisture-soiled towels with fresh. Continue to change towels as needed for 10 days, to 2 weeks. (See Step #7 for cleaning towels.)
5. After the desired aging time, you're ready to cut off steaks from each end, trim as desired, and allow the rest to continue to age in the refrigerator.
6. If, after 21 days, you have not eaten all the meat, cut the remaining piece into steaks, wrap each steak in freezer-proof, heavy-duty plastic wrap, and freeze. The steaks will keep for several months in the freezer.
7. To clean the towels for re-use, soak the soiled towels, immediately upon removing them from the meat, in cold water overnight. Next, soak them in cold, salted water for 2-3 hours to remove any blood stains. Then launder as usual.
I think you should cover with cheese cloth, the steaks in steak houses are often aged as quarters, so it is a little different. I would age fat up, cause that is what I have seen done out here.

Dry aged beef is not an automatic great meal, some folks just do not like it.
the steaks in steak houses are often aged as quarters, so it is a little different.

My butcher said this very thing! He will dry age things on request but he said once removed from the bone they typically loose moisture to fast. That is literally all I know right or wrong on the subject.
To my understanding its suppose to give the steak a bit of a nutty flavor. And you know Im not sure if Ill like it, its really just to give it a shot. But from what I hear it makes a good steak.
Although I've not done this (YET) I have done a bit of research on it. I'm planning on dry-aging a whole prime rib for Christmas roast this year. My plan was (as Landarc said) to wrap in cheesecloth. From what I've read about it, this will need to be changed once in a while.

I understand that it CONCENTRATES the flavor of the meat (but as I said...never done it myself), so you'll get a much more intense beef flavor. THIS can't be bad, right? Beef=GOOD. :becky:

Do you plan to carve steaks off of it or roast it whole (like a PR)?
ill carve the steaks to about 1" thick. My birthday is sept 20 so it will be done about that time. Alittle bit before but after you dry age the beef you can freeze it and it will keep fresh for several months. At least thats what I read. For anyone who is interested Ill can post pictures through the whole process
I think we are all interested in beef. As Wampus said..."Beef=GOOD. :becky:"

I am a huge fan of dry aged beef for steaks and roasts. It creates a more concentrated beef flavor largely by removing moisture, it creates more tender beef through a process of decay. If you are a medium-rare guy, dry aged beef is a good way to go.
Im actually a medium guy. Ill try a medium rare tho. Some of my family eats more of a medium well. Will dry age still taste good?
I dry aged whole loins for up to 40 days before, and in my opinion, I enjoyed the ones that were aged between 14-21 days the most. You still get a decent yield and the beef flavor is amazing. The longer ones had a very distinct nutty flavor, not to my liking.
You're going to love it. Warning: It'll be difficult to go back to normal wet-aged beef.

Make sure to take tons of photos for us!
I will be sure to do that. And you know thats what I was afraid of. But you know I could see this being more cost efficient then buying steaks every time I want one. Just pull one out of the freezer and de thaw it. For those who do dry age their own beef, do you still season, marinate before you cook it?
I still season it with Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper. The concentrated beef flavor along with the ribeye marbling (use only usda choice or above) will provide most of the taste.
I sure will take that in to consideration for future times. But Reallhy I do have a dedicated fridge for just dry aging. Is there something the fridge wont give me?
I sure will take that in to consideration for future times. But Reallhy I do have a dedicated fridge for just dry aging. Is there something the fridge wont give me?

a beer fridge or some other fridge taht isn't opened regularly is best. we used a program that showed the temp difference on different occasions of a regular used fridge and the temp raises were just not worth the risk.

i've done a few in the crisper of my normal fridge with fine results, but in the end it was easier and i felt safer to do it in an isolated fridge.