Post Your Pulled Pork Sandwich

Nice simple pork butt that was rubbed with salt, pepper, garlic, cumin. East Carolina finishing sauce and a cheap white bun.

Why am I looking at this when I am on a mandated 24 hour liquid diet???


A re-heated pulled pork sandwich. Heated up in frying pan with some peanut oil--crisping it up a bit adding a subtle bacon like quality to it (i.e. mallaird reaction / caramelization). Sauced with Shack Attack and garnished with a little bit of Head Country Original BBQ Sauce.
Nice photo & lighting! Looks so very yummy. I like the red cabbage for the slaw! Can you share your lighting details?

Thanks! The lighting setup is on the cheap, a homemade light box set up next to a window, with the main source of light being the sun (this was shot at early sunset, pretty reddish light). So the sun is the light coming from the right of the pic. Then I have two 5000k rated (the termperature/color of daylight) household 150w light-bulbs, one pointed at the front of the sandwich, the other on the left side/back. They are mounted in a shop light and an Ikea desk lamp. These take out the hard shadows and add a little flair to the props in the background. Here's a pic of the setup on another sandwich:


I made the light box by just cutting some squares out of a cardboard box, then taping tracing paper over the holes to diffuse the light. Cheap! :mrgreen: