How can I be 100% sure my smoked turkey won't taste like ham?

Your answers are here. Several great ones. I had the same dilemma one year. I cooked the nasty bird half on the smoker half in the oven. Made them happy. Cheating you say??? Not by a long shot. I don't eat turkey. Not when I have a 12 oz 2" filet that I cook for myself every year. And by the way. Guests get Lord Calvert and Smirnoff. I get Makers, Balvenie and Stoli.

The day comes once a year. Bust your hump to make "them" happy. But take care of yourself as well.
Not for this time, but try using dried corn cops in the lump next time. Cob-smoked turkey is very traditional here in Vermont. It gives a very mild smoke flavor and is pretty much all I use now for smoked poultry.
Sounds like your girl is a fan of oversmoked Q. It will take a while to cure that. Cut back on the hickory and try some pecan. Good luck!
most turkeys have salt injected already. don't brine ! if you have to then leave the salt out. I use pecan for smoke and it tastes great.
The other said it best, sometimes less smoke is better.

Save your empty bag of hickory chunks and fill it with apple chunks.. (LOL) It says hickory on the label...

She says she'd know if I used something like apple and would beat me senseless with a turkey leg :roll:

I agree with her oversmoked tastes. We smoke cigarettes and that certainly doesn't help anything - I have cherry, pecan, applewood and others and all she cares for is hickory on poultry and mesquite on fish and seafood
(which is all she eats) :sad:

It's not worth the fight, and I'm only cooking for the two of us this year. One tiny chunk of hickory with some lump should be good. Thanks for the advice - I would have never thought to use corn cobs either - maybe I'll give it a shot sometime soon!
This might be a factor. A sugar brine is what is used by many companies to create their hams.Too much sugar to a brine – you'll get a hammy taste.
That's interesting about the sugar - I always thought it was salt, or rather being too long in the salt from an injection or brine that made it hammy (too much hickory as well).

I'm going to try to keep it as simple as possible this year and just inject, since I've had good results doing that with pork butt. I'll probably just inject with butter, do a light spicy rub, and hope for the best. Thanks for all the insight!
thanks, dawg - I won't! I'm definitely going to take your advice about the mayo and rub on the skin. As it turns out, my chica does the same thing when she cooks it in the oven. When she caught wind of this idea last night, she threw out the full fat mayo, and is insisting that I only use the low fat. I hope it works just as well.
The words> lite, low fat, sugar free, no fat, skim do not exist in my vocabulary. Buy a small jar of good old Helmans with olive oil full of good omega 3 heart health fat and play it safe.