opening day of pheasant



So here in NY opening day of pheasant season started today. My 1 year old black lab put on a great showing and me and 2 friends all got are limit. Anyhow, was looking for some ideas on how to smoke/bbq a couple of them for a change. Never done it before, not sure why, dont think i ever thought about it, but im ready to give it a try.
not sure, but i would guess that wild game will be pretty tough since it is so lean. i am just thinking that it would end up really dry so i would suggest if you are going to do it to start with a brine or injection. maybe wrap the sucker up in bacon to help baste it while it cooks.

i never knew NY had pheasants, considering how many easterners come here for pheasant hunting i was surprised to read your post.
Glad ya came by here to share the news of the first hunt. Way to go.
Looking forward to learning how these came out!
Boo (pheasant doesn't start here till late Nov) and Congrats - I'm also interested to see how smoking turns out. Last year a friend of mine deep fried them in a turkey fryer and said they came out great.