What should I do w/ my big butts?


is Blowin Smoke!
May 2, 2008
Hey All,

I had a double-cryo butt pack from Sams that I thawed out w/ the intention of smoking both butts today. I thawed them in the fridge over the course of three days. They were thaw by this morning.

Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to smoke them today. I know that waiting until next Saturday isn't a good idea as butts don't wet age well. So now I'm trying to figure out what to do w/ them. The cryo is still sealed.

I work 31 miles from home and have been putting long hours in M-F, so smoking them in the next couple of days isn't an option.

Can I refreeze them? Should I cut them up into (a buttload of) CSRs? I'm stumped.

Can you do an overnight smoke? I'm presuming that a low 'n slow on the UDS would complete before you could get home from work if started before you left the house.

What about a hot 'n fast cook started when you got home?
I'm thinking hot and fast after work is out as I don't get home until a little after 6p. My mom lives in the same town, though, and she just told me she'd come over while I'm at work and take them off the smoker for me. I don't want her to have to pull/shred them as that can be an ordeal (especially for a 70-year-old who's never Q'd), so I'm thinking just get them to 180° and get them in the fridge and I'll slice them instead of pulling them. I figure they slice better cold anyway. If they're at temp when I get up, I'll just pull them and stick them in the fridge. If not, my mom will. Does that sound like a decent plan?
There is always the crock pot ... Kidding... Sort of. I know it's not Que but it can be useful.