salt out of salt pork????



Does anyone have a way to rid salt pork of most of its salt ? I am working on a bea recipie and one brick is good but i want more in the beans but adding two bricks make it way to salty ... so any help?
soak in water, change water, soak in water, change water, soak in water, change water.....
I don't know if it is available where you are but I quit using fat back a long time ago. I use the packaged country ham chunks that are ideal for seasoning beans, greens and almost anything else. You get the salt taste but also the country ham flavor. In BBQ beans etc you don't have to remove the meat as with salt pork. 1/2 package will season a medium size pot of beans.
I tried using fresh pork belly all last winter for various braises and found that is is glorious in braising uses.