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Quintessential Chatty Farker
Dec 30, 2006
Dalton Georgia
Name or Nickame
First the story (but you already knew that):biggrin:. Wife and her sister drove back to Georgia today to get daughter.:)roll:) I stayed home sick today and had to make a marker for a family pet(wifes of 12 years) & and dig a big farking hole. Now remember I am sick, sick:roll:. I get all this done and just get back inside to cool off. There back a few minutes later and my peaceful day run for cover.

Any who, it wasn't 5 minutes and she hollered back to the office. Did you drink my last diet coke? Of course not, you know I don't like them things.:icon_blush: Well now I'm out she exclaimed and went to the bat cave to relax.

Being the considerate husband that I obviously am, I did around in my pockets and come up with 150.00. So I venture into the Bat cave ever so cautious. Hey baby here some money if you want to go to the store and pick up a few things and some drinks.(duck:biggrin:). My back hurting I can't go she says. Well I can barely stand on my feet so I can't go either. So we begin the you'll give in before I do mod.:roll: I was determined to win this one!!!

Well it got later and later and she didn't even venture out into the early dusk of night. I thought Chit, I'm not going to win this one. So I get ready to go out for sodas and bread, usual stuff. Then it came too me, I teach her to send me out like this, especially when I am sick. So I decided I would buy stuff to cook outside on the smoker. I wanted burgers and Italian sausage. And the pron that follows is the results of my trip.

First make Fire

Cook some meat!!

Toast a bun and apply thin coat of hot bacon grease after toasting.

Add mayo.

Add maters

Add onion

Add pickles.

Add Lettuce

Add mild banana peppers

Add secret sauce:biggrin:

Add first layer of hamburger, cheese, bacon.

Repeat last step.

One more time :cool:

Apply cap and take picture.

And that brothers and sisters is why I am just now getting to eat my supper. Enjoy
Yep it was pretty good, but eating the thing took some effort.
Just wait til you see what I do with tha Sausage.
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Let me get this right....
Bacon grease, mayo, and special sauce... I can feel my arteries closing up as I type this...
Oh yeah - that looks AWSOME!!!!
Let me get this right....
Bacon grease, mayo, and special sauce... I can feel my arteries closing up as I type this...
Oh yeah - that looks AWSOME!!!!

Now you know if it wasn't capable of killing you dead it would have tasted like chit.:biggrin:
That is one big burger.

What did you reinforce the bottom bun with ?

Have you ever had a footlong hot dog with all the works and then some? So much so you have to eat it with a fork and spoon. Went with that principle in mind. I went at it from the top,side, from a angle just to get a bite. And as that sucker continued to fall apart I just kept picking up the pieces and puttting them back in the disposal.:biggrin: Or I may have used edible wax paper to hold it together.
Confession time, I didn't even manage to eat half that burger last evening. So I put it up and pulled it back out this morning to have for breakfast.

My boy was playing his game, but when he noticed what I had he paused that sucker and was sitting beside me before I knew it. Now that's a big Burger he said; Can I have a bite. You think you can open your mouth that wide I ask him. I can try Paw Paw he said.

He literally devoured the rest of that burger with enthusiasm. I didn't know he had it in him.
Sure wish they had tomatoes like that up here! Just another thing on the loooong list of things that I miss about TX!