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It does say that it was from the vendors and not the competitors. Even though i judge occasionally it is on my mind of something happening. You don't know the source. You eat food from possibly 24 different teams. Their is nobody watching us as far as how we handle the food when we cook for a contest. It is rare but it is scary thought.I do wish their was a handheld tester that a rep who is doing inspection could touch each piece of meat and test it. I think I'm going into the garage and invent one
I wish them all well esp. those that are sick, but to point at one group, stand or event without facts is just wrong and can severly hurt the reputaion of the Lions Club if it comes out that the salmonella came from somewhere else.
Ugggh, the press!

The paper shouldn't have made an assumption as to who/what it was that caused it. It's obvious the common denominator IS the barbeque competition, but, to point the's too early in their investigation for them to come to any type of conclusion, so, I guess the paper decided they should do some "investigative reporting".

I know Jim Stancil, BareKnuckles BBQ, and he's one of the good guys. I'm sure this press isn't going to help his catering and it's a shame that the paper did that before the Health Department finished their investigation.

I hope all the folks recover quickly....
It does say that it was from the vendors and not the competitors. Even though i judge occasionally it is on my mind of something happening. You don't know the source. You eat food from possibly 24 different teams. Their is nobody watching us as far as how we handle the food when we cook for a contest. It is rare but it is scary thought.I do wish their was a handheld tester that a rep who is doing inspection could touch each piece of meat and test it. I think I'm going into the garage and invent one

I am going to comment on this one, and I hope I can make it sound like I mean it.

I think for the most part, the competitors are a clean bunch of cookers. I know I cook my meat to the correct temp., I clean my utensils well, and spray with tested bleach water. The part that I am concerned about for the judges, is the time frame that the cooked meat sits from the time it leaves us, to get to them, and the temp drop that it gets. I have heard stories how the meat is actually cold, and the fat has set.... how true that is, I don't know.

I agree, with you how the concern on how it is handled, or not handled and on how safe it is. But, apparently it is for the most part safe, as I haven't heard of any outbreak with tainted food among the judges, have you?????

It states that no health permit had to be acquired.... I know this varies from state to state, but I would think that it would mandatory at an event like that.... kinda scary...... Makes me not want to eat at any events now.
So far nothing has been reported at an event but these issues having been coming up more frequently. Look at what happened recently at Topps Burger.These people were in business and did it everyday as a for-profit business and looked what happened. They shut down. An outbreak happens at a contest and 6 judges get sick from one entry?If they couldn't survive how would we? We need to start thinking of precautions in our ever changing world to make sure our sport survives
So far nothing has been reported at an event but these issues having been coming up more frequently. Look at what happened recently at Topps Burger.These people were in business and did it everyday as a for-profit business and looked what happened. They shut down. An outbreak happens at a contest and 6 judges get sick from one entry?If they couldn't survive how would we? We need to start thinking of precautions in our ever changing world to make sure our sport survives

I agree. The meat industry is just that, a business. They make their money by production. The more they ship, the more they make. Cleaning time is down time, and lost production. So they want to keep that to a bare minimum.... My brother works in food production and I could tell you some stories that would really make you not want to eat again.....

It is kinda scary as we rely on the slaughter houses to provide us with a safe product to cook for the judges. I agree with you on this one.

Now go make that instant read safety device.... you would make millions on it I am sure.
Looks like TOPPS started to let things slip according to a piece in the NY Times....While innocent mistakes happen, this appears to have been the result of cutting corners....

"As output rose, federal regulators said in interviews, the company was neglecting critical safeguards meant to protect consumers. Three big batches of hamburger contaminated with a potentially deadly germ emerged from the plant, making at least 40 people sick and prompting the second-largest beef recall in history.

Topps is now out of business, but the case points up broader problems in the nation’s system for protecting consumers from food-borne illness."
I would begin the investigation with those that may have provided poultry products or anything with egg in it, as poultry is highly suspect when it comes to salmonella.
Not knowing any facts here in this case but I also suspect marinading for too long can also be a great growing medium for bacteria.
As far as the paper goes, I believe it is complete hack journalism to mention anyone or any place that may or may not have been involved until the FACTS are known.
I would begin the investigation with those that may have provided poultry products or anything with egg in it, as poultry is highly suspect when it comes to salmonella.
Not knowing any facts here in this case but I also suspect marinading for too long can also be a great growing medium for bacteria.
As far as the paper goes, I believe it is complete hack journalism to mention anyone or any place that may or may not have been involved until the FACTS are known.

Marinading is a good point, some will baste with the same marinade the food was in without realizing that all must be brought back up to temp again.. I know this group knows that but I've seen it screwed up before.
I was not there, but spoke in person with 2 competitors who were there. They both were asked to judge the "Iron Chef" competition on Friday night, and they believe that was the origin. They were both wiped out for several days :icon_sick