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Full Fledged Farker
Sep 6, 2008
Manhattan, KS
After responding to a thread, I realized I never put this up here, so here it is.

Our local offices hold a chili contest every year. The same person has won year in and year out (I have not participated as a cook/judge/eater before). This year I decided I would go ahead and enter. I have only made chili once before and it was not the greatest so I of course came here for a recipe. I found Wampus' Big Boy Brisket Chili (Thanks, Wampus) and set out on making it. I don't have a picture of the brisket or any steps, but this is what it looked like in the crock at work.


The judges were other coworkers, and I am proud to say that out of a total of 6 entries (only ~35 co-workers), I dethroned the guy who has won for over the last 4 years. Here is a shot of the prize pack.

Great work! I made the same chili recipe, just for eating at home with some leftover brisket, and it was hands down the best chili I have ever had. Congratulations in dethroning the past champ!
Congrats on the takeover!
I've managed to win the last 2 years at my work chili cookoff as well with that recipe.

I may just do up a batch of chili this weekend......thanks for the inspiration!
Unfortunately, next year I will more than likely not be in this office. Odds are I will be moving about 2 hours South for work, unless I can get lucky and get a job in Germany with my employer (which would be awesome). I don't know if the other office does anything like this, but it may have to start, especially as they will be growing from 4 employees to about 20. Thanks for all the congrats.
With any luck, you'll be able to move around the country/globe spreading the Wampus chili love and winning chili cookoffs everywhere. I would love to get a taste here in Chicago.