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The overwhelming thing I took away from this, and I really don't think I need to tell the Brethren, probably because so many of you served, was how much the idea that we were doing this for them mattered. From the LTC down, every single person I talked to mentioned how they felt appreciated and how much that meant to them. It was Ric who made the comment about what they do every day, and it was perfect. I don't know if Ric served or not (he strikes me as the Sergeant type), but, he nailed it when he told them that it was about how grateful we are to them, not how much they enjoyed our food. Everyone of these guys told me that they felt in some way that what we did, let them know people appreciate what we did for them.
More photos...


A small portion of the East Coast allocation of tri-tips, there were several of these pans.


Rubbed up, this is what Santa Maria Tri-tip looks like, Suzy Q's rub, one of the best and it's been around for a while.


This is what happens when you serve salad to soldiers...The guy in the red apron is the Unit XO. This guy has two great kids who look at him like he is their hero, a wife who is stunningly gorgeous and obviously well educated, he is ridiculously good looking and about 6'-4". I would hate him, but, he came up to me and treated me like I was a legend in his eyes. Nicest guy you could ever imagine.

Next to him is one of my best buddies, who drove out to help, and ended up serving cole slaw, I think he served 4 helpings total.


You volunteer, you get home baked Maple Bourbon Cinnamon Rolls. There were also breakfast burritos, coffee and PBR.


Somebody donated a Jump House to the party, and it was a hit. Note made...the jump house, and the Corn Hole game provided by the USO were big hits. Provide these if possible.


This was also a big hit, but, with the bigger kids, rides were given as well. Yes, fully operational, no, no matter how I asked, even threw out the "volunteers" angle, there were no rounds to be fired. Something about the town of Danville only being 2 K's away and bullets ripping through bodies...WTF, who cares?!?!


One of the soldiers, note that plate of food, what you can't see (because it would be creepy, rude and possible painful) is that red dress went to about halfway between her knees and not even there, and she was gorgeous. And has no fear of food, obviously.


Dessert Storm, this is about 1/2 of the dessert table. R2Egg2Q's wife Nancy killed with this. So much dessert, so many happy faces.
Reading this thread about brought me to tears because I know how much the guys appreciate this kind of thing. They go through so much for us, without complaint, and without any expectation of thanks. They do it for love of home and country. They do it because someone has to.... and they're always so bowled over that people are even aware, or care at all. To have a group go out of their way like this to show appreciation for their sacrifice? Well.... let's just say they're usually kind of overwhelmed, but very appreciative. Thanks so much for doing this, guys. You make me so proud. :hug:
ok. Im not to proud to say that theres a lump in my throat reading this.. Im so friggin proud of you guys that Im humbled to even be associated with what youve done. This is off the charts. Dont know what else to say except thank you for representing us here in showing our gratitude to our troops in such an outstanding way... and please.. the silent man behind the curtain, motoeric does so much to help pull these things off too. Hats off to landarc, marty, eric, and all the brethren that showed up to make this event something really successful and special. I know form cooking here at the VA hospital cook that these things are unbelievably rewarding, yet humbling in that these soldiers are thanking us for doing what we love to do, yet they are the ones that sacrificed so much for us. You guys made us proud, and I'd be proud to jsut stsand in the same room as you... Thanks from all of us.
Phil, just to say, without the connections, friendships and resources that I have gained by being a part of this community, this cook would not have been possible. The BBQ Brethren surely played a role in the success of this event, and any more that we can possibly arrange to do. And while Dave Bart (BBQ_PD) and his wife Deny did almost all of the cooking, the crew of Brethren volunteers really came through in every aspect of the day. I was proud to let everyone know that we were there as members of the BBQ Brethren.