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Porky Joes

Full Fledged Farker
Aug 23, 2010
Des Plaines, IL
I have never attempted to make wings before but one of the competitions I will be attending later this year will have it as a category. I was wondering if anyone could please give some advice, recommend any websites or videos.


Porky Joes
brine, brine, brine, brine...

i do heavy smoke for 45 min at 225*, remove and crank the heat up to 400*+ and finish hot to get a bit more crisp to the skin.
First find the recipe your going to use and as stated above "brine" your bird wings. Then gill indirect and then direct for color and to crisp the skin. You can add a small chunk of wood to your grill for that extra smoke profile. To our team it's much easier and faster to grill chicken wings than to smoke them. We would much rather add smoke to grilled ribs. Usually there done in an hour and fifteen to an hour and a half. Good luck. If you want pm me I'll send you a couple of winning recipes you can try or change up a bit to make them yours.
Maybe this is a dumb question, but is it a wing category or a Buffalo Wing category? I ask becasue technically you can turn in wings as your "chicken" entry.

Never understood why wings never win in the chicken category.....EVERYONE loves wings! I love doing wing competitions
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Never understood why wings never win in the chicken category.....EVERYONE loves wings! I love doing win competitions
I turned in wings in my first two comps. They crushed it in appearance and taste, but can't compete with thighs in tenderness. When I put my wing rub on thighs, I took 7th in chicken in my 3rd comp.
I've never competed. When I make wings I use a dry rub and smoke them with cherry at 350 and they turn out great! I've brined them before but the difference between non-brined to me wasn't significant enough for me to mess with it. I brine all my other chicken, though. If I was competing I may look at it differently. You can make killer wings a 1000 different ways, just make sure the skin on them is crispy.

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I am from Buffalo, mostly the wings are seperated...make up a good chciken rub and you will be fine..The trick to any chciken in NEVER frozen alsways fresh otherwise dry..Smoked a couple hours or so till tender at 275 to 325...they go through a phase of toughness, howeever great flavor but take them longer,,,,the only brine I use when I feel frisky, is blended chipotle Jalepenos, little cider mix...mmmmmmmmm I hear my cooker calling me..still time before the hockey game starts!
I've recently (in past year) started cooking for larger groups... tried "catering" for the local "Fete" (that's the Queen's English for "Fair")... Wings Over Wicken sold out 650 wings... 45 lbs of chicken... in the course of an afternoon.

My secret: Dry Rub the wings (overnight, if possible), then grill 'em at around 300F for 15-ish minutes. I toss 'em in whatever sauce I prefer before serving.

Wicken Yanks Jamaican Jerk Sauce:

Wicken Yanks - Linda's American Buffalo Sauce

Perhaps some thoughts on flavors and such from us in the UK:

EDIT: Terrible spelling / grammar...
Mine I grill the wings first then butter to hotsauce 1/3-4 parts add the crushed red pepper black pepper tabasco cyan but not much. Then add flour to thicken it up put the cook wings in I like to do it over night but the mixture being cold alows it to form more of a batter coating when cook.


Now I did baste it with some I save to try

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I have tried wings 100 different ways. The best wings I have ever cooked were the ones I have been making for a the last 8 weeks of football. Everyone says these wings were the best they have ever had. Usually 20-30 people. 200 wings every Monday night or when the texans played. All we do is get fresh wings, coat them well with 50/50 mixture of evoo/Wooster. Coat well with Harley's championship BBQ seasoning, allow to marinate in a big pan for a few hrs, then give them a healthy dose of mad hunky Hott whang rub. Cook @325 with lump charcoal and 1 chunk of cherry and 1 chunk of pecan on the smoker. Until the skin gets just right, usually a little over 1 hr, then make a easy wing sauce. I just use franks red Hott wing sauce, and a few dashes of pepper plant garlic Hott sauce. Simple BBQ whangz that will knock your socks off.
I rub evoo and sprinkle lemon pepper on them then put on the Weber indirect at 375-425 for about 45 minutes then brush heavily with your favorite BBQ sauce then put back on Webber for another 15 to 20 minutes.
chilidog hit it right on the head....almost the same thing I do :)

I coat them with some Weber Zesty Lemon rub the night before....then throw them on the Weber, indirect at 400ish for about a hour to a hour and a half. Then bring them in and coat them in your favorite sauce.....I use franks, butter, garlic, little this, little that.

Going on.....

