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somebody shut me the fark up.

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May 24, 2004
Long Beach, CA
MrsMista and I went to the Moose Lodge and made a presentation to the board and they agreed to let us use their commercial kitchen during off hours!

As long as I show up a couple a times per month and cook dinner for the members (they pay for the food) I get to use the kitchen for free! That satisfies the HD rule for having a commercial kitchen for prep.

We are on our way now!!
Thanks! We are pretty excited about it. Now we can vend at Farmers Markets and different festivals. Next big trick will be to get a 3 basin sink and make it portable.

Just gonna savor this small victory right now.
Great idea. My wife and I have been trying to firgure out a way to score a kitchen to cater from. We've been using the church campground but it hasn't been that convienent for us. Theres a Moose Lodge within 5 miles from our house. THANKS for the tip...I'll see if we can do the same thing here.
Great idea. My wife and I have been trying to firgure out a way to score a kitchen to cater from. We've been using the church campground but it hasn't been that convienent for us. Theres a Moose Lodge within 5 miles from our house. THANKS for the tip...I'll see if we can do the same thing here.

You will have to join.
nice job I have thought of trying the same thing, our eagles lodge wants lunch served thanks