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Grand Poobah and Site Admin
Staff member

Batch Image
Aug 11, 2003
Long Island, NY
Name or Nickame
Looks like we are 35 dollars away from finding 2 pairs of eyebrows blowing in the wind.


OK, I have to ask, since I'm in the medical field, we've all been wondering much to get to the real shaving....the nether regions??? Anybody???
OK, I have to ask, since I'm in the medical field, we've all been wondering much to get to the real shaving....the nether regions??? Anybody???
Ummmmm.......Scott? Have you ever seen pics of Dive and me? We both have dickidoo disease. I haven't seen my nether region in 2 years. Are you willing to to do the shaving??

Dickidoo Disease: Most often strikes men with too much caloric intake. Causes abdomen to swell, and conceal the male apparatus.

Or: My belly stick out farther than my dickidoo.
Ok, OK, I'm logged in now... let me find something to donate for the auction. Unless we need a 3rd Smoke on Wheels basket for the 3rd place bidder from the last auction... that would blow away your $35 :)
Ummmmm.......Scott? Have you ever seen pics of Dive and me? We both have dickidoo disease. I haven't seen my nether region in 2 years. Are you willing to to do the shaving??

Dickidoo Disease: Most often strikes men with too much caloric intake. Causes abdomen to swell, and conceal the male apparatus.

Or: My belly stick out farther than my dickidoo.

Now THATS funny, I don't care who ya are. I suffered from that for quite a while.:cool:
This thread contains way more information that I could ever possibly want to know. And the visuals are just to much to take end. I'm figuring on some crazy nightmares tonight.
OK, I have to ask, since I'm in the medical field, we've all been wondering much to get to the real shaving....the nether regions??? Anybody???
No pictures, it didn't happen... If I recall, you've stated that more than once... Are you sure you want the pictures????
Ummmmm.......Scott? Have you ever seen pics of Dive and me? We both have dickidoo disease. I haven't seen my nether region in 2 years. Are you willing to to do the shaving??

Dickidoo Disease: Most often strikes men with too much caloric intake. Causes abdomen to swell, and conceal the male apparatus.

Or: My belly stick out farther than my dickidoo.
Let's talk.....

Now THATS funny, I don't care who ya are. I suffered from that for quite a while.:cool:
Andy, remember we meet again at Easter.... You been loosing more weight???
I’ve talked with Shane…

We have both resolved ourselves to the fact that we may very well end up ‘naked’ from the neck up… Soooo to up the antae a bit we have agreed to….

Wait for it…….

Have our arm pits shaved if you guys can get the amount up to $1,750…

We have plans if the Brethren can attain this amount (but we don’t think you can pull it off Phil).
hey, I am just watching. All your friends have decided you would look better silky smooth.

An Anonymous person just deposited 35 dollars in the Carmella fund.

1500 is the unofficial balance.

The note said something about Smooth as Babys Behind.

Lady schick, here we come.
Not sure I want to see pics of anything below their craniums. I will believe it happened w/o pics. I move Da rulz shall be disregarded for this situation. Can someone second this motion, please? :shock: