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Happy Hapgood

somebody shut me the fark up.

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Batch Image
Mar 17, 2012
Shreveport, Louisiana
Name or Nickame
Tomorrow will be 11 Years since I found this fine site. Since that time I've learned more about BBQ than some folks learn in a lifetime.

I use the Amazon affiliate link at the top of each page anytime I order from Amazon at no additional cost to me but it helps this site.

At only $25 a year I consider it a bargain to be a member here and help with the costs of running it.

Best site on the web. Thanks for having me BBQ Brethren! :thumb:
Glad to have you around here Mike, I know it was dicey there for you for a while, and I'm just glad that you made it over that hurdle and that you will be here for a while longer.
I went to go see when I joined - June 4, 2012 - so I was just behind you Happy. Clicking around I came across this:

Holy Post-Count Batman! RonL is to be expected, as is BBQChef33, but I was surprised by Happy's post count. I joined 3 months after him - and feel like I use this site a lot - but my post count is ~1,800. How'd you get 10x my post count????

I went to go see when I joined - June 4, 2012 - so I was just behind you Happy. Clicking around I came across this:

Holy Post-Count Batman! RonL is to be expected, as is BBQChef33, but I was surprised by Happy's post count. I joined 3 months after him - and feel like I use this site a lot - but my post count is ~1,800. How'd you get 10x my post count????


A good percentage of Ron_L's post were probably him keeping me in line. :doh: :mrgreen:
Glad your staying. I just renewed a couple weeks ago. Joined 9/20/2013. Can't remember when I started being a paying member, but It's been quite a while. It's very much worth the money
You were the first brethren to reach out and say hi to me. Congrats on another year and Godspeed!