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Grand Poobah and Site Admin
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Aug 11, 2003
Long Island, NY
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ok.. so I am slow. All funds have been transfered. Just in time for christmas. :redface:8) :eusa_clap:eusa_clap

This is the results of our auction for baby Carmella, which midway, got expanded slightly. :)

As anyone directly involved with the auction is aware, after surpassing our goals for Carmella, I sent out an option via PM to continue the auction and spread the wealth attained in the auction quietly by adding in Baby Morgan, BigMista and MrsMistas little girl. Morgan was born several months premature and we were all here while we waited for Morgan to come home too. The responses that came back were overwhelming in favor of being favorite aunts and uncles to both babies.

So the final count was $3440. Based on the PM responses to splitting the pool and keeping the the original intent of the auction, the distribution is:

$2220 to Carmella. $2000 for Education and $200 for a Christmas present. :smile:

$1220 to Morgan $1000 for Education, $100 for belated birthday present and $100 for Christmas present.

now, just to share some experience and let you folk know the outcomes. I originally tried to get this in 529c college funds for the kids. The first stop was my credit union, who after the inital paperwork and discovering it was a gift, needed all the personal info from the parents. SS#, employment history, credit, etc.. that would also require the parents to open an account with them. So I gave that one up after 3-4 trips.

Then came CDs. They had to be in my name with the kids as beneficiaries, and then transfered to the parents after maturity. Forget that.

Then came US savings bonds for the kids. Crappy returns. But easiest to do. I was going to do this but decided against it due to crappy returns.

Finally was the U-Promise account. They are pretty cool. You open the account, make deposits the normal way, but u get a U-promise card that you use whenever u make a purchase at any u-promise participating place.(theres thousands and thousands). Gas, groceries, dept stores all particiapte and a percentage of every purchase goes into the u-promise account. I regret not doing it for my kids as I know folks that used it and it added significantly to the 529c. When the time comes, the funds can be moved to any 529 account or checks made to educatinal facilities without penalty.

In all events, and trying to do this 'as a surprise', roadblocked me with information needed that i felt was to private and confidential to ask of the parents, as well as it ruining the surprise. I told the families about this several months agao, so I continued to move on to other options to try to do it right. Now, its been too long and the $$ was not getting interest when it should be so it has been transfered to the parents with the request that a small portion be used for some holiday gifts and the rest invested as a gift for the childrens future, on behalf of all the aunts and uncles here.

As i write this, i am getting choked up as i remember the responses to this calling.. Divemaster and TxSchutte shaved their heads, people paid $$ for bad checks and bottle caps. The auctions for the most part were a success(some still need to be fulfilled) alot of fun, and the response was overwhelming. I am so proud to be associated with all you folks and to call you family. Your all amazing. (Not to mention patient while I went in and out of my responsibilities to close this.)

Im opening the forum up to the parents today who have not seen what was going on.

So all this being said, Happy Holidays Carmella and Morgan, and to the BigMista and BBQmafia Families. This is a heart felt gift to your children from us here at The Brethren and wishing all the best for your kids future. When the time comes, and they get this gift in many years, give them a hug from a whole bunch of aunts and uncles who smell like smoke.:wink:
All I have are tears to show my gratitude and appreciation of you all. I will make sure that she tries to make her way across the country to thank you all. If I try to leave her for a few days don't get worried. I'll be back (maybe).
You know I really don't know what to say.

I'm all choked up. On the inside. In a manly way.

Seriously, I am at a loss. I know how great the Brethren are. I try to live up to the standards that are set here by such great people but every time I think I am getting close, you folks raise the bar again.

You are all truly amazing and we are truly grateful for this gesture. Morgan is truly blessed to have so many people that love her. She is under the weather with a touch of pnuemonia but she is tearing around the house. And she knows how to say "Barbecue" now.

Again, thank you all so much. People look at me funny when I talk about my online family (and I do it all the time) but you are all some of the most important people in my life.

I love you all.

Thank you for all the work Phil and all the others involved for creating this wonderful place and organizing the auctions.

I am very proud to be a Brethren.
I am quite proud myself to be associated with this site and the awesome people I have met while here. I participated in the auctions and actually won two of them (I never win anything) and was glad to do so. I had told my wife at the time what I was doing and she was blown away by everyone's generosity here. This is an awesome thing that happened for two beautiful well deserving children.

Many thanks to Phil for all of your efforts both with the auction and for keeping this site up everyday for all of us to enjoy. Also many thanks to those who participated in the auctions as this couldnt have happened without you. Thank you!
It took me a while to realize it, but this place really is something special. Being a Brother is just that, part of a family. We infight like bratty little kids sometimes, but fark with one of us, and you got the whole farkin clan.

The kids we have come to know here are just as important, or maybe more. They're our future. Wyatt, Adam, Michael, Zach,Morgan, Carmella (And Countless More)will be cooking long after we're chitting ourselves.

Thanks, Phil, for taking care of this. I can't imagine the crap you went through getting this in order.

The head shaving was easy. Mine grew back. I can't speak for Dive.
Phil the auction was a great idea. I am glad that I was able to particpate in it, for such a great cause. Being part of this forum is not just about Q it is about family. Knowing you can count on people you have never met, well that is something special. I don't think anyone will really realize it until you are the one that is in need.

Happy Holidays to Carmella, Morgan and family, that includes all of you.
I don't know what to say.
We are so very thankful.

I have not been here as much since Carmela's birth, but I know everyone here has been a constant source of support for Phillip (Guido). We are truly blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives. Carmela will certainly know that she has many Aunts and Uncles here who are kind and wonderful people.

And Phil, you always seem to go above and beyond. Thank you for doing this.
This Holiday is a special one for many reasons. Many of which are here.

With much thankfulness,

Chrissy Guido
Great group to run with. We all have a common interest, bbq, but also the betterment of our fellow brethern and their families. Warm's my heart to say that I too am Brethern.
The kids are what it's all about!! Just glad to be a part of all this and honored to know such a great bunch of people. I can't wait to see them playing with their Christmas gifts and watching them grow up via this great place. God Bless!!
Phil, thanks for all of the running around and research you did in irder to make this event even more special for everyone concerned, not just Carmela and Morgan. We have found out in many ways red tape makes it very difficult to give money to where it needs to go.

As to the Brethren that participated in this it is an honor to be among you. It was great fun and done for a wonderful reason. You all showed what it means to have the Brethren Spirit.

Mrs.Mista, one of the great joys we had when we were out in CA. was being able to hold Morgan (That and watching Neil bite her) so anytime you are out this way, you are more than welcome to drop her off for a spell.

Happy Holidays brothers and Sisters!
All I have are tears to show my gratitude and appreciation of you all. I will make sure that she tries to make her way across the country to thank you all. If I try to leave her for a few days don't get worried. I'll be back (maybe).

You know I really don't know what to say.

I'm all choked up. On the inside. In a manly way.

Seriously, I am at a loss. I know how great the Brethren are. I try to live up to the standards that are set here by such great people but every time I think I am getting close, you folks raise the bar again.

You are all truly amazing and we are truly grateful for this gesture. Morgan is truly blessed to have so many people that love her. She is under the weather with a touch of pnuemonia but she is tearing around the house. And she knows how to say "Barbecue" now.

Again, thank you all so much. People look at me funny when I talk about my online family (and I do it all the time) but you are all some of the most important people in my life.

I love you all.


Exactly the same way we were back a few months ago....

The people here are amazing. I am glad that I could help out the little bit I did. Just a bit of pay back for what everyone did for us....

We are also very glad to be a part of this great community.....

Phil thanks for all the hard work you do to help out our little family here.

This forum is still the best forum on the planet bar none, im very proud to be here as a family member.
dont be thanking me guys... it was a challenge from Divemaster that started it, and then he threw TXschutte under the bus with him. You all stepped up to the plate, I was just the one who posted it. :)
Wow... That's all I can say... Phil and I put out the challange and Shane and I got free haircuts...

You all make me SOOOOO proud to be a member here. From the first day I signed on to Cattle Call to this moment, I have always been proud to be a Brethren!

dont be thanking me guys... it was a challenge from Divemaster that started it, and then he threw TXschutte under the bus with him. You all stepped up to the plate, I was just the one who posted it. :)

I remember it well... Our first auction and Phil and I were bidding on the same quilt to give it to Carmella... Both of us shooting to be called the "Best On-Line Uncle"... Getting Shane to take part wasn't all that hard, I just had to ask...

It took me a while to realize it, but this place really is something special. Being a Brother is just that, part of a family. We infight like bratty little kids sometimes, but fark with one of us, and you got the whole farkin clan.

The kids we have come to know here are just as important, or maybe more. They're our future. Wyatt, Adam, Michael, Zach,Morgan, Carmella (And Countless More)will be cooking long after we're chitting ourselves.

Thanks, Phil, for taking care of this. I can't imagine the crap you went through getting this in order.

The head shaving was easy. Mine grew back. I can't speak for Dive.

I couldn't have said it better brother! (and yes, mine has growen back too!)
I remember it well... Our first auction and Phil and I were bidding on the same quilt to give it to Carmella... Both of us shooting to be called the "Best On-Line Uncle"... Getting Shane to take part wasn't all that hard, I just had to ask...

dude.. you put Shanes hairdoo up for grabs before he even knew about it!!! :eusa_clap:eusa_clap time do a background check when your incoming friend requests. :wink:
I remember it well... Our first auction and Phil and I were bidding on the same quilt to give it to Carmella... Both of us shooting to be called the "Best On-Line Uncle"... Getting Shane to take part wasn't all that hard, I just had to ask...

dude.. you put Shanes hairdoo up for grabs before he even knew about it!!! :eusa_clap:eusa_clap

He knew about it... he just didn't know about it.... (Billy Logic Mod)