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Grand Poobah and Site Admin
Staff member

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Aug 11, 2003
Long Island, NY
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After many requests from members over the past few years..... ok, I've given in to opening up a catering section. My concern with doing this was that it may take away from the resources in Qtalk that members who are not catering may miss yet benefit from when cooking for large parties.

This should be a business forum. I ask that it be strictly catering/large party and business related and that general stuff be steered back to Qtalk. Even general chatter that Qtalk membership can benefit from should remain there. Keep in mind, a forum like this, many members WILL NOT even check.

Big Brother Smoke has point in this forum. Here is his vision for the charter. He be the boss.

Big Brother Smoke said:
I am picturing a discussion area or maybe a sticky area in Q talk where we could house/store documents such as:

1. Getting Started (cost, type of rig, insurance, contracts, health department, etc.)

2. Catering Ethics (spoken and unspoken rules of thumb, the no-nos)

3. Formulas and recipes for cooking for the masses (i.e. How much to buy for 200 ribs and chicken. i.e. How many lbs. of potatoes for potaoto salad recipe for 100?)

4. How to Cost out an event for your area

5. Marketing (websites, business cards, brochures, chamber of commerce)

6. Catering resources (where to buy chafers, hot boxes, buffalo choppers, etc.)

7. Table scapes ( yes, I am serious). I would like to keep some how to tips available, because we are challenged in this area):biggrin:

Here are two topics I have had received via pm in the last two weeks:

1. I need help with passed hor duerves. What ideas based on your experience do you think would work?

2. Can I come and help you at an event to get some experience?

I will volunteer to stimulate discussion, research topics, and help keep the area organized.

So..have at it guys.. ENJOY!!!
Thanks Phil for this section.
BBS was thinking the same as me as i was about to ask for the same kind of thing!
Looking forward to sharing ideas and picking up some new ones! :biggrin:
Great idea, except for that letting BBS have point idea! You ever cater with that guy?! J/K. Smoke is a FANTASTIC caterer and I appreciate every bit of information I've learned from him in the last year. I am 100x more comfortable feeding the masses because of his guidance.
Great idea, except for that letting BBS have point idea! You ever cater with that guy?! J/K. Smoke is a FANTASTIC caterer and I appreciate every bit of information I've learned from him in the last year. I am 100x more comfortable feeding the masses because of his guidance.

I agree. He is definitely a great person to head this section up.

AS long as he doesn't try to do it on his Blackberry...
Yahoo! I also think that a lot of people that don't post as often will check this out so it's a good way to keep our brother's active.
great thanks for this new section i think it was a much needed addition.
So when is the Head Cheese, I mean Chef pipe in? BBS is a level head when he's talking buisness. Got a lot to share.
Great Idea, I just picked up a job doing ribs and brisket with potato salad, beans and slaw for 250. It is a family party and I will be partially catered by some other family friends as well.
I think this addition is really great.
I'm sure that a lot of good things will be posted here
so we can all learn what to do and maybe more importantly
what not to do.

Thanks Phil for the addition.
I like this section...
I have been kicking around the idea of catering for a while now, and see this as another great resource from the brethern site!
Thanks for giving us this bonus area, Phil!:mrgreen:
I just got my business crankin this year use me and abuse me!!

Agreed. Please start by posting pics and a description of a gig or two. Also, feel free to stimulate conversation on topics of choice with repect to catering ( i.e. what you did to get the "business crankin").
