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is Blowin Smoke!

Batch Image
Batch Image
Apr 7, 2007
Auction item Description:
This is for a t-shirt for the dad, tank top for mom, and two apron's.
These are black with my avatar embroidered on the left corner and over the left pocket of the apron.
(if mom would prefer a tshirt let me know).
I can substitute one of the above for a kid's size if you're interested. Pics will follow after I get home tonight.

Starting Bid(If any): 30.00 (it's for a good cause)

Duration/Closing date(or no activity for 3 days): 6/8

Shipping or Pickup only: Shipping included
As much as this is about helping our friends and family, there is such a guilty pleasure in the thought of Divemaster going bald on video of course.
Kojac mod
Pics of the goods


That's a women's tank guys....



it's not the best shot, but it is a really nice shirt and embroidery job.
So I know they aren't the best shots. I'll Try to take some "product" shots. These are nice, new, never been worn, I swear.
Looks like we have a winner. Rookie'48 it is! PM me your address and you should have them shortly. I'll be out of town for a couple of days so I won't get to mail them until I get back. Do you want one for you and the Mrs or for someone else?
And sizes (you can PM me that with the address)...