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Got rid of the matchlight.
Jan 31, 2019
Name or Nickame
Hey Brethren
Hope you all well

I have a Rheninghaus Meat slicer and whilst it works well it still builds up some good muscle when slicing through 20 to 30kg of meat ultra thin for cheesesteaks. I've come across an automatic meat slicer similar to this which seems to do the work for you and I'm considering buying one. Only problem is it's available from China which means I need to be extra cautious. Basically, I need to ask all the questions to ensure the machine is at least decent - I don't expect a Ferrari for the price but I also don't want what to buy a piece of scrap metal.

Specs of the machine in the the picture attached.

What sort of features would you expect if purchasing a machine like this? Please help me ask the right questions.

P.S. I know I'm going to get lots of flack for buying a Chinese machine but it's the only suitable machine I could find in my budget - go easy on me :-D

Take Care


  • IMG_20211124_085112.jpg
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Depending upon if it is made for the US market, China's power is standard at 50 Hz, not 60Hz as here in the US.

Not sure if it would have any effect on a motor, but it could effect circuitry / processors that use the Hertz timed cycles as a "clock" or for timing circuits.

Some of the equipment we use here at work have a user accessible programmable EEPROM where we can define the 60 Hz power source.