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Babbling Farker
Apr 23, 2014
Tallmadge, OH
Name or Nickame
I've spent the last 12 days making my first buckboard bacon. Have to say it was absolutely worth doing. The flavour is so much better than commercial supermarket son even gave it two thumbs up.

I won't bore you prep picture because you've seen all those before. I followed Thirdeye's method and used the Hi Mountain kit, which saves a lot of the hassle. All I had to do was weigh the butt and weigh out enough cure for the weight of the butt...too easy.

I smoked it in my UDS at 180° for the first hour and let it range between 200° and 220° until the internal hit 145°. I was surprised how well my drum maintained the low temperature because it usually likes running at about 300°. Let it cool for a bit then threw it in the fridge wrapped in plastic wrap overnight to firm up and sliced it this morning.

After 10 days and ready to rest overnight before smoking.


Smoked and ready for the fridge.


Sliced for packaging.


Mum made scones this morning, so I made some sausage gravy, eggs and some of the scrap pieces of bacon.


Thanks for looking!
I just did my first buckboard loin with Thirdeye's method and I love (and everyone else) it. I did it in an elec. smoker but and going on the 85 gal uds this time. Hope I can keep temps that low.
I just did my first buckboard loin with Thirdeye's method and I love (and everyone else) it. I did it in an elec. smoker but and going on the 85 gal uds this time. Hope I can keep temps that low.

I controlled it all through the intake. Had it open maybe 1/2" or so. I use these as my intakes:

Looks great Matt, Looks like a killer Breakfast

Thanks mate! It was, I was full for the rest of the day.
Great looking brekkie, and no Mighty mite anywhere to be seen... I think we're Mercunizing you!

I'd kill a plate of that! :hungry: