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Full Fledged Farker
Nov 7, 2009
Stoughton, Wisconsin
Last April I ate at When Pigs Fly in Urbandale and to be honest I was a little disappointed. Generally I like my barbecue fairly smoky and many restaurants are a little light in that regard, and this was the definitely case at WPF.

Has anyone eaten or had barbecue from there fairly recently? After reading the link above I want to give them a second chance and would love to hear that things are better. Thanks!

Here are some shots from last year:







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I have never eaten there. Have seen them vending at some local events but haven't heard anything about them good or bad.

I know you didn't ask, but if it was up to me I would go to Smoky D's or Woody's Smoke Shack. IMO the two best in town!
Ditto as above, But I have found a lot of "modern" joints are real light on smoke flavor, I don't know if it's trying to please the masses, i.e., the people who don't like hearty smoke or just personal preference of the owner. That's why I like a place you walk into and know without a doubt they smoke whatever they can fit in the smoker!, they seem to impart the full body smokey flavor. We have a Rib City Grill, something like this around the corner and they are the same way, light on smoke. really good burgers, though!
AB22, I think along the same lines - it's to please the masses.

Bunkie Knudsen once said that you can sell an old man a young man's car but you can't sell a young man an old man's car. I wouldn't be surprised if a similar parallel exists for those who like lightly-smoked meat and those who like it smokier.

Pat and Dave, thanks for the suggestions and if I have the time this week I might try to check out at least one of them. Woody's isn't far from the Drake campus and Smoky D's is an easy drive from Urbandale.

Did Daddy O's out in Grimes close down?

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Not sure about DaddyO's...been awhile since I've ventured out that way. I live right next door to Woody's and can vouch for the quality of food. It will take you about 5 minutes to walk to his place from the Drake campus. Smoky D's has a location on the west end of downtown...also very close to Drake.

Edit:DaddyO's is closed.
Thanks for directing us to Woody's; we had a good lunch (ribs, brisket, pork, chicken, beans, mac & cheese) there last Friday.

I also noticed "Kenny's Rib Wagon" set up in front of the Plaza Pub on Douglas Avenue on Saturday but didn't have time to stop. I hope I didn't miss out too badly!
